Viewfinders MC

Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Trhollister on December 19, 2010, 06:38:29 pm

Title: Another Random sighting around town.
Post by: Trhollister on December 19, 2010, 06:38:29 pm
So im in 7-11 getting some beer and i start flipping through the december 2010 issue of S&S Offroad magazine.

There is a article about the So Cal national with a pic of me wearing Viewfinders jersey.Pretty cool,i had to buy one. ;D
Title: Re: Another Random sighting around town.
Post by: Chris Cory - President 2012-14 -Life Memeber on December 19, 2010, 06:40:28 pm
Cool Terry! Thanks for representing the Viewies!
Title: Re: Another Random sighting around town.
Post by: Charlie & Darlene Barney - Life Members, 2015 President on December 20, 2010, 01:31:09 pm
Your a star Terry!!