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Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Trhollister on January 14, 2012, 10:49:08 am

Title: Anyone interested in Rekluse clutch products?
Post by: Trhollister on January 14, 2012, 10:49:08 am
I have a coupon for 40% off any rekluse product that i dont need.

Only catch is,must be used by feb 31st.And it is in my name and address so we may have to ship to my house and i can bring it to next race or something.

I would hate to see good deal go to waste,hopefully a viewie can use it.
Title: Re: Anyone interested in Rekluse clutch products?
Post by: Aaron Price on January 14, 2012, 02:15:14 pm
I'm interested.  If I  can get one for the Mutt. 
Title: Re: Anyone interested in Rekluse clutch products?
Post by: Trhollister on January 15, 2012, 01:22:24 am
You can addapt any part to the mutt right ??? ;D

Title: Re: Anyone interested in Rekluse clutch products?
Post by: Bob Johnson - D37 Rep on January 15, 2012, 11:25:27 am
Good deal if you can work it out, I know that is one of the best mods I have done to the Husky and I know Donn and C B are happy with theirs.
Title: Re: Anyone interested in Rekluse clutch products?
Post by: Donn Nay on January 16, 2012, 03:04:53 pm
After your DNF yesterday due to arm pump/degradation I would think that would be the ticket Aaron.

I know I would have died sooner without mine.
Title: Re: Anyone interested in Rekluse clutch products?
Post by: Aaron Price on January 16, 2012, 04:06:14 pm
I'm planning on going for it.  I'm not sure it was all pump though.  That was some bad pain and ever since the wrist made a loud pop it has been much better.  I am wondering if I just jammed wrong or something. 
Title: Re: Anyone interested in Rekluse clutch products?
Post by: Cchollister on February 19, 2012, 10:30:14 am
Last call. This coupon expires on 2/29.
Title: Re: Anyone interested in Rekluse clutch products?
Post by: Norm Takaki on February 19, 2012, 06:36:54 pm
I do,I do, I do,
Hey if Arron is going to pass,k I would like to take you up on the offer.

Title: Re: Anyone interested in Rekluse clutch products?
Post by: Cchollister on February 19, 2012, 07:15:19 pm
The products that are available are Core Exp, Exp, Core manual, basket, z-start pro, brake kit. It says take form to dealer or fax it. I can mail it to you on Tuesday if you want it.
Title: Re: Anyone interested in Rekluse clutch products?
Post by: Norm Takaki on February 20, 2012, 07:02:03 am
I went in the Recluse site last night and could not find the correct part numbers for my bike, I emailed them with my yr make and model. I hope they can do just the EXP core and clutch Cover.
So yeah if you could send the form to:
324 S.Diamond Bar Blvd. #268 Diamond Bar ca 91765

Title: Re: Anyone interested in Rekluse clutch products?
Post by: Norm Takaki on February 27, 2012, 09:44:47 pm
Hey T&C, I got the form last Friday. Bon (my wife) scanned it and cleared the form to look new and fresh so I filled it out and Faxed it over, now to wait and see if they will accept it.

Thanks again

Title: Re: Anyone interested in Rekluse clutch products?
Post by: Cchollister on February 28, 2012, 10:24:41 am
We hope so.