Viewfinders MC
Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: jpiper on October 13, 2014, 02:07:45 pm
whos going
My dad and I should be there
Thanks for posting Jason. Looks like Jason and I and also Steve Davis is going. J: Steve said he would carpool with us in the rig if that works for you.
I'll be out Sunday morning. And I think Pete Medina will be out also.
We need a pit captain/crew for this race folks! I have the pit stuff at my office.
Pete Medina is on the pit roster as Pit Captain. I think Gumby will be there so Julian will be there. Also I expect Darrell Moore to be out with me on Sunday. I have to drive to La Crecienta middle of next week to pick up my suspension. I come across from Ventura on the 118 to the 210. Does that put me anyway close to where I can get the pit stuff?
I will be out friday evening, will make arrengements to pick up pit stuff from Don. Pit Captain Pete/
Ok Pete, just let me know if you want me to bring the stuff out.
I can bring it home and you can pick it up but not not sure which week. Or if Pete wants to make the trip to Baldwin Park I'll buy lunch!
Let me know guys.
Thanks Pete, I should have checked the schedule.
Don,if you bring the pit syuff home, I can pick it up Friday on my way out of town, thanks, let me know. Pete
I'm going to try and make it.