Viewfinders MC
Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ms Jenn on March 28, 2007, 12:48:15 am
For those of you anxiously awaiting the debut of the 2007 RHR Golf Tourney flyer, it is now available. Simply click the link below and follow the instructions.. or you may visit the D37 "calendar" section for the posting of the flyer. Hope to see many of you out there!!~
So far I think Viewies attending the tourney are:
Mike "Iron Man" Hastings
Michael Hastings
John Thornton
Sean Grattan
Jon Thornton
*** And? Any more golfers out there? Riders Helping Riders will there be there for you, the rider, if you ever need help after sustaining an injury while racing.
I believe Jeff Meek opted out for his Dancing with the Stars Audition. I wonder how he'll look in those tight pants with no pockets that go all the way up to the man boobs?
FYI my lil bro played on the high school golf team and this was their practice course... He plays PRETTY well there!~
The event as a whole is a good time... Hot dogs, hamburgs, drinks, what more do you need?