Viewfinders MC
Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lee Henderson on September 13, 2007, 10:21:42 am
Just to let you all know Jeremy & Valerie has had there baby boy, Monday Sept 10th at 9:14
p.m. 6lb 3oz 19 1/4 length. Landon Matthew Henderson the baby should get to come home today, hopefully Valerie went home last night.
The Henderson's
Congrats you guys!~
Congrats to Lee & Annette.. GRANDPAAAAAAAA LEE ... Has a niiiice ring to it!~ :)
Glad everyone's healthy ...
Landon "MATTHEW".. Interesting middle name ... spelled with 2 T's!
Right On Grandpa Lee , Uncle Matt.
Congrats to the Henderson family!
Word is he looks just like Jeremy. Poor kid.
I was told that he looked like Aaron.. Congratulations Jeremy, and Grandpa Lee.
Damn! Another FAST kid to have to deal w/ in a few years!!!
Congrats! The Joneses
Conrats! Forget about sleeping. ;D Good job