Viewfinders MC
Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Donn Nay on April 15, 2008, 08:04:51 am
So who's going?
The Nays will be there Friday night, kinda late I'm sure. Matt is racing and will be our Saturday night. If my ankle is good I'm racing as well.
I spoke to Deanna Jenkins yesterday, she's not sure when they're coming out. I'll talk to Russ again today or tomorrow and twist his arm to come out for the weekend.
I have the pit box, etc.
Come on Russ! I know we heal slower these days but,he collar bone should be good by now ::) I'll be out Saturday after a stop in Ridgecrest! Tara is hoping Max and Dottie will be out??? KJ
Come on Russ! I know we heal slower these days but,he collar bone should be good by now ::) I'll be out Saturday after a stop in Ridgecrest! Tara is hoping Max and Dottie will be out??? KJ
Max will be there and Mike said Dottie might be as well. Do you need any help in ridgecrest Saturday?
The Barneys will be out sunday morning. I have my moms birthday saturday.
I am planning to be out Sunday morning for my third prospect ride. ;D
Make sure the wife packs you enough refreshments for everyone after the race ;)
I am planning to be out Sunday morning for my third prospect ride. ;D
I had planned on coming out Frday night but, a auto Tech (keeps the patrol cars going) just passed away in the office on monday. so, not sure now if I will make it at all or just Sunday or ? If you see me, I made it :).
I had planned on coming out Frday night but, a auto Tech (keeps the patrol cars going) just passed away in the office on monday. so, not sure now if I will make it at all or just Sunday or ? If you see me, I made it :).
Sorry to hear about this unfortunate situation. Hopefully you will be able to get down the hill and ride one for him. KJ
Come on Russ! I know we heal slower these days but,he collar bone should be good by now ::) I'll be out Saturday after a stop in Ridgecrest! Tara is hoping Max and Dottie will be out??? KJ
Max will be there and Mike said Dottie might be as well. Do you need any help in ridgecrest Saturday?
Won't need any help, but thanks. Picking up 12" VF decals and leaving a '75 CZ 400 in town. KJ
Come on Russ! I know we heal slower these days but,he collar bone should be good by now ::) I'll be out Saturday after a stop in Ridgecrest! Tara is hoping Max and Dottie will be out??? KJ
Max will be there and Mike said Dottie might be as well. Do you need any help in ridgecrest Saturday?
Won't need any help, but thanks. Picking up 12" VF decals and leaving a '75 CZ 400 in town. KJ
10-4' I have the sample stickers in my trailer and I'll bring them with me.
I will be bringing out a new prospect on Sunday. (Provided I have all my stuff done by Sunday) So Charlie and Donn please behave. We don't want to give her the wrong idea.
I will be bringing out a new prospect on Sunday. (Provided I have all my stuff done by Sunday) So Charlie and Donn please behave. We don't want to give her the wrong idea.
Outside the World of AP wouldn't everyone else be considered an angel ???
In any club but this I would say yes.
Where were you last weekend?
I will be bringing out a new prospect on Sunday. (Provided I have all my stuff done by Sunday) So Charlie and Donn please behave. We don't want to give her the wrong idea.
I promise to be on my best behaviour ;), Pam is coming with me to keep me in line these next two weekends ::)
In any club but this I would say yes.
Where were you last weekend?
Making sure that I have everthing in order for the THEME CHECK!!! ::) Do not want to disappoint !!! :-X I will be @ DD Saturday afternoon. KJ
Keith will you please take notes for me at the GP meeting. I really wish I could be at the meeting after the poker run.
Keith will you please take notes for me at the GP meeting. I really wish I could be at the meeting after the poker run.
there goes the only vote for the over-under!!! oh well , we will replace it with some big whoppes and a big rocky downhill!
I would like to cast an absentee ballot for the over under, the big whoops, and the rocky downhill.