Viewfinders MC

Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chris Cory - President 2012-14 -Life Memeber on February 03, 2010, 08:13:52 pm

Title: Anyone know where Kevin Minster is?
Post by: Chris Cory - President 2012-14 -Life Memeber on February 03, 2010, 08:13:52 pm
Old club member Jason Funk contacted me after receiving the newsletter and asked if anyone knows where Kevin Minster is.
Any contact info would be appreciated.

He also said his dad Robert (Bob) Barada and uncle, former Club President Richard Barada, are still into the desert but are now mainly just into buggies.
He said "There are also five, third generation future viewfinders getting started with the tradition."
Title: Re: Anyone know where Kevin Minster is?
Post by: Charlie & Darlene Barney - Life Members, 2015 President on February 04, 2010, 05:11:05 pm
Yes I do I believe they were active when I first got in. I know the name but my memory is not that great I have been on my head a few times.
Title: Re: Anyone know where Kevin Minster is?
Post by: Chris Cory - President 2012-14 -Life Memeber on February 04, 2010, 05:21:16 pm
I remember the name also, I can't put a face to it tho. Not sure if anyone has keep in touch with him so we will see.
Title: Re: Anyone know where Kevin Minster is?
Post by: Russ & Deanna Jenkins on February 04, 2010, 05:37:35 pm
 ;D ;D
     i know kevin minster he raced 125 class with josh about 1993, dont know where he is  i think he and his wife lived out camarillo way

           not sure
