Viewfinders MC

Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Charlie & Darlene Barney - Life Members, 2015 President on January 16, 2015, 03:20:39 pm

Title: Video footage or Photos
Post by: Charlie & Darlene Barney - Life Members, 2015 President on January 16, 2015, 03:20:39 pm
If anyone has video footage or photos of a race or club event or just something cool you want to share forward that info to Chuck Shortt at ( he is handling our face book and web page this year and is looking to add entertaining item to both.
cms (

Do you Bleed Golden Rod, do ya!
Title: Re: Video footage or Photos
Post by: Dave Springer on January 18, 2015, 07:20:54 pm
Done.  Thanks Charlie.
Title: Re: Video footage or Photos
Post by: Dave Springer on January 22, 2015, 02:07:22 pm
Charlie, are the pictures for the destination ride to Burro Tunnel available and have those gone to the guy working on our FB page and website?
Title: Re: Video footage or Photos
Post by: Charlie & Darlene Barney - Life Members, 2015 President on January 23, 2015, 07:21:24 am
Yes Cosmo, the photos taken were e-mailed to Chuck a few days after the ride. I know he is working on your sites and will have the changes done in the week or so. He is prepping for a bike show this weekend where he will be showing three custom bikes I believe.
Title: Re: Video footage or Photos
Post by: Donn Nay on January 27, 2015, 02:33:51 pm
I have the video from my Go Pro that Matt wore from the club ride at Jackrabbits. Unfortunately I'm not very proficient at editing and have not had the time to work on it. Might just pull out one clip and get it up on facebook via Chuck so we have it there.