Viewfinders MC
Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kandy on April 12, 2007, 11:12:22 am
Thanks to all the Viewies who attended the in-town meeting last night. Been awhile since we've met at Michaelangelos and it was good to find out the beer is still cold there and the pizza yummy! :-*
Any leftovers to bring out to the desert? Should still be good until then! A few weekends ago they were making Jim McG throw an overnight pizza away. Pizza will outlast a Twinkie. Just put it on the dash of your truck for REHEAT!!! ;D Yummy!
Any leftovers to bring out to the desert? Should still be good until then! A few weekends ago they were making Jim McG throw an overnight pizza away. Pizza will outlast a Twinkie. Just put it on the dash of your truck for REHEAT!!! ;D Yummy!
Looked like Paul Cunningham was swoopin up some leftovers, thought he said something about lunch for the next week. He'll probably put the pizza on the manifold of a D8 or something.
I agree with Kandy, great meeting. I'm for doing this on a regular basis, perhaps twice a year? Much easier to get some real business taken care of.
Donn, If you consider twice a year regular I have a chocolate bar to give this weekend! It will help you w/ your problem ;D
Donn, If you consider twice a year regular I have a chocolate bar to give this weekend! It will help you w/ your problem ;D
I would go for more often than twice if I thought we could get the attendees but thought that was wishful thinking, by the way coffee works better than chocolate ;)
Twice a year or quarterly would be sufficient for in-towns is my feeling. About the coffee thing I wouldn't know because I never have done the Starbucks thing nor the chocolate either. Week old pizza on the dash works for me, but always after the race ;D I know TMI!!!
Donn, If you consider twice a year regular I have a chocolate bar to give this weekend! It will help you w/ your problem ;D
I would go for more often than twice if I thought we could get the attendees but thought that was wishful thinking, by the way coffee works better than chocolate ;)
Twice a year or quarterly would be sufficient for in-towns is my feeling. About the coffee thing I wouldn't know because I never have done the Starbucks thing nor the chocolate either. Week old pizza on the dash works for me, but always after the race ;D I know TMI!!!Donn, If you consider twice a year regular I have a chocolate bar to give this weekend! It will help you w/ your problem ;D
I would go for more often than twice if I thought we could get the attendees but thought that was wishful thinking, by the way coffee works better than chocolate ;)