Viewfinders MC

Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Aaron Price on March 10, 2008, 10:56:31 am

Title: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Aaron Price on March 10, 2008, 10:56:31 am
Just wanted to let you all know what a great guy Brian Jones is.   He is such a team player that he layed his bike down sidways blocking the whole trail on a nasty hill just to block my competition.  Then as I am trying to get around the major pileup he caused he left his bike in everybody's way and helped push me up through the loose rocks of the side of the trail.  I must have gained a ton of time from that. THANKS  BRIAN.         

  I nominate him for Viewie of the year. 
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Kandy on March 10, 2008, 11:53:04 am
I vote Kyle Nay Viewie of the week.  Having his new to him truck break down on the Cajon Pass, arrange for Dad and Uncle to tow it home, hops in Uncle's truck, drives down Bessemer to deliver Pit equipment, watches 10 minutes of racing or so and then heads home to face the repairs.  Good to see you Kyle and I know it was killing you watching your competition race while you were unable to. You done good work son!
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Keith Jones - VP on March 10, 2008, 12:43:57 pm
BIG thanks Kyle! Most would have would have shined on delivering the pit stuff. Not sure what your dads taught ya, but your moms done well!!! ;D
As far as the Brian Jones good samaritan push, I think 'anyone' around seeing some poor sap riding a Husky would have done the same thing ;)
Hope Eric and Eric had a GOOD TIME! Might have been a couple tuff tech spots for Eric L.
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Eric Price on March 10, 2008, 05:52:30 pm
I had a great time.  It is always good to have a nice leisurely ride once in a while.  Eric L. on the other hand is probably a little bit sore right now.  I witnessed him taking a few spills in the deep sand whoops.  Keith, you passed us somewhere between check two and three, next time wave with your whole hand.  ;D
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Big Daddy Golden Rod on March 10, 2008, 06:03:29 pm
Just wanted to let you all know what a great guy Brian Jones is.   He is such a team player that he layed his bike down sidways blocking the whole trail on a nasty hill just to block my competition.  Then as I am trying to get around the major pileup he caused he left his bike in everybody's way and helped push me up through the loose rocks of the side of the trail.  I must have gained a ton of time from that. THANKS  BRIAN.         

  I nominate him for Viewie of the year. 
I heard Brian M. held Brian J.'s bike while he rode yours up then Keith rode him back down and rode Aaron back up.
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Keith Jones - VP on March 10, 2008, 07:05:10 pm
I haven't mastered the "NO-HANDER" wave while riding through a nice size rock garden. Wanted to give club members plent of room. I'm usually not that kind others!!! ;D
I had a great time.  It is always good to have a nice leisurely ride once in a while.  Eric L. on the other hand is probably a little bit sore right now.  I witnessed him taking a few spills in the deep sand whoops.  Keith, you passed us somewhere between check two and three, next time wave with your whole hand.  ;D
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Keith Jones - VP on March 10, 2008, 07:12:14 pm
It was a big team effort, but we "GOT- HER DONE"!!! Did I hear Eric and Eric helped The Husky later on in a similar situation??? ::) ???
Just wanted to let you all know what a great guy Brian Jones is.   He is such a team player that he layed his bike down sidways blocking the whole trail on a nasty hill just to block my competition.  Then as I am trying to get around the major pileup he caused he left his bike in everybody's way and helped push me up through the loose rocks of the side of the trail.  I must have gained a ton of time from that. THANKS  BRIAN.         

  I nominate him for Viewie of the year. 
I heard Brian M. held Brian J.'s bike while he rode yours up then Keith rode him back down and rode Aaron back up.
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Jim McGrath on March 10, 2008, 07:18:40 pm
let me get this straight!  aaron price actually raced?????  i need a race report from the man himself.  aaron please tell me you finshed?
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Keith Jones - VP on March 10, 2008, 07:56:27 pm
I can't wait for the AP Report! 5 pages of scrolling text on how everyone has it all wrong and his entire race went as planned. We may be spared this mysery for a couple of days until he can get off the floor to get to the computer. Did the club clear him at the finish or are Kandy and John still waiting for the arrival of the Husky???
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Aaron Price on March 10, 2008, 08:10:37 pm
Just wanted to let you all know what a great guy Brian Jones is.   He is such a team player that he layed his bike down sidways blocking the whole trail on a nasty hill just to block my competition.  Then as I am trying to get around the major pileup he caused he left his bike in everybody's way and helped push me up through the loose rocks of the side of the trail.  I must have gained a ton of time from that. THANKS  BRIAN.         

  I nominate him for Viewie of the year. 
I heard Brian M. held Brian J.'s bike while he rode yours up then Keith rode him back down and rode Aaron back up.

That is way off.  You forgot to mention Charlie was waiting there to help.  He helped set up the jumper cables.   
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Aaron Price on March 10, 2008, 08:30:01 pm
let me get this straight!  aaron price actually raced?????  i need a race report from the man himself.  aaron please tell me you finshed?

Yes Aaron Price raced.  You seem to be confusing me with my brother the DNF king.  I have only DNF'd  3 races in my life.  Ghostrider in 97 (Houred out)  Checkpoint MC Bad Mountain Enduro in 97 (I realized that swimming was more my sport and gave up motorcycle racing halfway through the second loop at the El Nino inspired water crossing)   Invaders MC in 06 (Overheated the bike and melted the clutch and throttle cables on my DRZ400).  Yes I am making this long just for Mr. Jones.  The race actually went much better than planned.  No crashes.  I don't think I was dead last.  If there would have been a 3rd loop I would have been able to catch up to Keith.   ;)
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Kandy on March 10, 2008, 08:40:01 pm
Yes Keith we cleared Aaron at the finish.  I was gonna give him a t-twister... but OMG!!!  I have never seen a club jersey rub someone's nips bloody before.  I'm still cringing at the thought and yes I refused to look when he raised his shirt.... Blecchhhhh!!!!  :o
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Brian Jones on March 10, 2008, 08:43:12 pm
Thanks Aaron for the props and you are welcome anytime I can help I will.
    I did leave my bike between the two trails up that hill just in case a jump start was needed. I will always help a fellow Viewy in need. My darn flat tire had no drive up that rock ledge so I dropper my bike on the side of the trail to help riders get up this fun hill.  
Brian Jones
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Aaron Price on March 10, 2008, 10:10:26 pm
Yes Keith we cleared Aaron at the finish.  I was gonna give him a t-twister... but OMG!!!  I have never seen a club jersey rub someone's nips bloody before.  I'm still cringing at the thought and yes I refused to look when he raised his shirt.... Blecchhhhh!!!!  :o

I am so glad all of that blood didn't stain my good jersey.  I was worried about that. 
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Donn Nay on March 11, 2008, 01:18:22 pm
Yes Keith we cleared Aaron at the finish.  I was gonna give him a t-twister... but OMG!!!  I have never seen a club jersey rub someone's nips bloody before.  I'm still cringing at the thought and yes I refused to look when he raised his shirt.... Blecchhhhh!!!!  :o

My nipples are hurting just thinking about that, I made the mistake once of racing without a t-shirt under my perforated jersey and did the same thing. You'll only make that mistake once, won't you Aaron?
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Aaron Price on March 11, 2008, 01:46:38 pm
This wasn't the first time Donn.  Just the most severe by far. 
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Donn Nay on March 11, 2008, 04:45:16 pm
This wasn't the first time Donn.  Just the most severe by far. 

Now I don't know what to say dude, I wouldn't admit that to anyone. Ever hear of band aids? I remember a picture of Jimmy Weinert in the 70's with 1" bandaids over each nipple, think it was in Dirt Bike or Cycle News.

Even Russ Jenkins knows about that one. Funny story; we were sitting in Mike's Roadhouse after a race last year, I think Russ was a DNF that day. Kyle was giving Russ a hard time (imagine that!) and Russ reaches in his shirt, pulls out a used bandaid and sticks it on Kyle's bald head. Only Russ, Deanna and I knew where that bandaid had come from. When we told the boys what it was Kyle about turned inside out.
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Eric Price on March 11, 2008, 06:37:29 pm
This wasn't the first time Donn.  Just the most severe by far. 
Wear a cotton t-shirt under the jersey.......or a bra, whatever works for ya.
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Brian Jones on March 11, 2008, 08:14:22 pm
Aaron I can't get the picture of your bloody nipples out of my head. Please buy an under armour shirt. Thats just wrong to subject your fellow Viewies to your bloody body parts at every race. Just my two cents.
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Aaron Price on March 12, 2008, 04:24:04 am
You seem to forget who was really suffering.  I already have one.  I guess I should just start wearing it.
Title: Re: Thanks Brian Jones!
Post by: Ms Jenn on March 13, 2008, 03:00:51 pm
I have an awesome vid of Jimmy Dub! We should have a movie night in the dez some time.. You'd get a kick out of it!!

This wasn't the first time Donn.  Just the most severe by far. 

Now I don't know what to say dude, I wouldn't admit that to anyone. Ever hear of band aids? I remember a picture of Jimmy Weinert in the 70's with 1" bandaids over each nipple, think it was in Dirt Bike or Cycle News.

Even Russ Jenkins knows about that one. Funny story; we were sitting in Mike's Roadhouse after a race last year, I think Russ was a DNF that day. Kyle was giving Russ a hard time (imagine that!) and Russ reaches in his shirt, pulls out a used bandaid and sticks it on Kyle's bald head. Only Russ, Deanna and I knew where that bandaid had come from. When we told the boys what it was Kyle about turned inside out.