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: DEC, 2008 OFF-ROAD MINUTES  ( 861 )

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« : January 06, 2009, 11:05:37 am »

District 37 Off-Road Committee
Meeting for December 4th, 2008

I   Meeting called to order by Jerry Grabow, President
   A. Additions to Agenda
      a. Moto Tally Electronic Scoring Program (See Referee Report)
b. Free Entries
c. Overall Class   
II   Attendance and minutes taken by Jannean Sapp, District 37 Secretary
III   Review and Approval of Minutes
A.   Approved as is.

IV.   Old Business

A.   Ecologic & FLP Project
a.   A return of $8,000 from the settlement of the delisting of the Milk Vech Plant has been returned to Ecologic.
b.   The Attorney, David Hubbard, is going to help assist with the talks in regards to Johnson Valley.
B.   USMC Proposed Marine Base Expansion
a.   It?s imperative that all the clubs of D37 get involved with the fight for JV and support D37 in the fight to keep JV by completing the forms located at:
C.   Land Trust/Grants Committee
a.   Carl informed us that he is working with the BLM on grant ideas but he also requested to have ideas to be submitted in order for us to apply for grants.

VI   New Business
A.   Husky Memorial
a.   Motion & subsequent discussion postponed until January 2009 meeting.
B.   Senior Women?s Class
a.   Kelly presented a motion, seconded by Doug Phelan, to the Off-road body that read as follows:  ?Allow the creation of a Senior Women?s Class to be implemented in 2009.?
b.   A brief discussion was held and a voted taken on the motion.
c.   Motion was voted on and passed unanimously.
C.   Ambulance Fees
a.   Sandy Howell informed the Off-road body that Symons has increased their fees and added an additional ?travel time? surcharge as of September 2008.
b.   Due to the additional unknown surcharge it was requested that Richie look into possibly switching to using AMR instead of Symons.
c.   Due to this increase, it has caused a severe financial burden onto the clubs. Sandy made a proposal and a motion, seconded by Bill Howell that read as follows: ?I make the motion that we (District 37) refund ½ the expenses for ambulance fees to the clubs that got the extra surcharge as of 09/01/08.?
d.   Motion was voted on and passed unanimously.
D.   Satellite Phones.
a.   Kevin Shutt of R3 presented a request and a motion, seconded by Willie Eveland, which read as follows: ?District 37 agrees to fund up to $2500.00 for the purchase of Iridium Satellite Phone to help and be used by Rescue 3 for emergency calls in areas with no cell phone service. Preliminary cost estimate is $156.00 for hardware and $635.00 for 500 prepaid minutes with one year expiration. Tax and shipping will bring the cost close to $2500.00.?
b.   Actual motion voting and further discussion postponed until December meeting.
E.   Free Entries
a.   Motion & subsequent discussion postponed until January 2009 meeting.DMC Race Request
F.   Overall Class
a.   Ryan Kudla requested the addition of an ?Overall Class? for the Experts only.
b.   The class would be only for the top 20 overall finishers and have a ?blue stripe? or ?blue background? on their bikes.
c.   A motion was made by Ryan Kudla and seconded by Bill Richardson that reads as follows: ?The top 20 guys O/A can run their O/A earned # with either a blue stripe w/district issued numbers or with a blue background with larger numbers at district races only. Blue background must include D37 logo/sticker. Scoring is to be done according to Art. IV, Section 14.?
d.   Motion was voted on: 21 ?Yes? votes, 7 ?No? votes.
e.   Motion passes.
G.   January Off-road Meeting
a.   A motion was presented by Bill Richardson and seconded by Doug Phelan that reads as follows: ?Move January 2009 meeting to Thursday January 8th. (Because of New Year Holiday)?
b.   Motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

VII   Reports
A.   Congress: Jim Geddes, Dave Oakleaf, & Bill Howell
a.   No report.
B.   VP: Skip Earwood
a.   No report.
C.   DLO: Dick Christensen
a.   Dick requested that we make sure to have our entire membership fill-out the Johnson Valley comment forms and mail them in by the deadline to help save Johnson Valley.
b.   A motion was requested by Bill Howell and seconded by Don Nay that reads as follows: ?Legal Defense fund to pay expenses to send both the D37 president and DLO to Washington for AMA lobbying effort. Expenses to be in line with amount spent in 2008.?
i.   Motion passed
D.   Referee:  Richie Wohlers
a.   Sled Riders are requested to attend the Competition Committee Meeting next Thursday.
b.   Richie requested that all flyers that are submitted to Competition Committee must be a copy of the original submitted to be published.
c.   It was announced that the ?Bantum Quad Class? has been eliminated from the Big 6 youth program.
d.   With the addition the ?Legends? class, they will now be designated with a ?L? and Super Seniors changed to ?Masters? with an ?R? designation.
e.   Richie announced that for Enduro?s all ?one loop? classes (Mag. & Women Novices, Quads & Minis), will receive 50% of 100% of their novice points for DNF?ing an Enduro. In addition, Novice Quad riders will only receive 70% of their points in all desert scramble races.
f.   Richie discussed with the body the possible addition of ?Moto Tally? electronic scoring program to assist with results.
i.   Can be custom built to:
1.   Score events.
2.   Register participants.
ii.   The program can also be built to accommodate transponders.
iii.   Moto Tally is already in use at East Coast AMA events.
iv.   The cost of setting-up and maintaining the program can be reimbursed by adding a $1 per rider surcharge to their D37 licenses.
v.   A straw vote was taken, 23 ?yes? votes, 4 ?no? votes.
vi.   Richie was given the go ahead to look into the possibility of acquiring the program.
E.   BOD: Jim Geddes
a.   No report
F.   BLM: Al Guzman
a.   All event dates are turned-in and approved for the 2009 season.
G.   Eco Logic: Jerry Grabow
a.   Previously discussed.
H.   Rider Reps: Ryan Sanders, Tim Wilson, John Gil
a.    Ryan Saunders
i.   No report
b.   Tim Wilson
i.   No report
c.   John Gil
i.   No report
d.   Mark Drake:
i.   No report
I.   Web Master: Jeff Owens
a.   No report
J.   Newsletter: Julie Angell
a.   Julie announced that in order to save on printing costs, parts of the newsletter will be available online. A more streamlined version of the newsletter will now be mailed out.
K.   Treasurer Report: Sandy Howell
a.   Total liabilities and equity: $210,643.69
L.   Big 6
a.   It was announced by Dave Oakleaf that the new sound testing book should be out soon.

VII   Race Reviews
A.   None given

VIII   Announcements
A.   Los Coyotes Dual Sport ride ? 12/14/08
B.   Risk Management meeting on 01/15/09
C.   Vikings GP at Racetown? 12/06-07/08
D.   Cycle World Int'l Motorcycle Show- Long Beach Dec. 5-7.
E.    BRP Fun Ride ? 12/13-14/08

VIIII   50/50 Raffle
A.   Steve Freeman won the 50/50 raffle.

Meeting adjourned 10:15 pm by Jerry Grabow

Kandy Thornton
Max Eddy

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« #1 : January 06, 2009, 05:30:31 pm »

Im Having a Problem with Item "F a-d "  Thanks for the Update . Max

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