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: D37 January Off Road Minutes  ( 1890 )

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« : January 30, 2009, 01:56:09 pm »

For your reading pleasure:

District 37 Off-Road Committee
Meeting for January 8th, 2009

I   Meeting called to order by Jerry Grabow, President
   A. Additions to Agenda
      a. Sound Testing Training
b. Radios      
II   Attendance and minutes taken by Jannean Sapp, District 37 Secretary
III   Review and Approval of Minutes
A.   Approved as is.

IV.   Old Business

A.   District Numbers
a.   A presentation and subsequent discussion was made by Chad Horton in regards to a requested rule change about the Desert Division numbering system.
b.   The rule was proposed by Ryan Sanders, seconded by Jeff Eiler
c.   The proposed rule reads as follows:
i.   "Active divisions shall be amended to include their official designations (letters) as of the 2009 competition year. Divisions and their official designations (letters) cannot be altered or molested once the division and its designation have been established and as long as the division remains active. An "active" division shall be defined as any division which has entrants within any 60 month span. Any division that has not had entrants within 60 months can be "retired" at the discretion of the Competition Committee and its designation reclassified. New age, displacement, skill and/or "points" divisions, if so established, must not interfere with or adversely affect any active division or designation."

d.   In addition to the proposed rule change, a request was made by Chad Horton on behalf of Ryan Sanders to have an emergency reading of the proposed rule but due to a lack of evidence of the necessity of the emergency, the request was denied.
e.   After a brief revision of the original proposal the rule was re-read one last time and was announced to be the first reading of the proposed rule.
B.   Ecologic & FLP Project
a.   No new report given from Ecologic & FLP project
C.   USMC Proposed Marine Base Expansion
a.   It?s imperative that all the clubs of D37 get involved with the fight for JV and support D37 in the fight to keep JV by completing the forms located at:
b.   In addition to the comment sheets, it is recommended that everyone sign a pre-printed letter with their name and address that is located here:
D.   Land Trust/Grants Committee
a.   Carl announced a meeting on January 27, 2009 on strategies for grants & priorities.
b.   He also announced that he will be attending a workshop with the CDP&R on 01/15/09.
c.   Proposals for the grants will be started to be written this month. (January)

VI   New Business
A.   Husky Memorial
a.   Motion & subsequent discussion postponed until February 2009 meeting.
B.   Moto Tally
a.   Richie announced that the proposal for Moto Tally has been sent.
b.   Stewards have already begun using it for their scoring.
c.   The district is going to start charging an additional $1 per rider to help pay for the program.
d.   Richie made a motion, seconded by Donn Nay that read as follows: ?I propose District 37 pay expense of Moto Tally for any Clubs wishing to use software to score their events during 2009.?
i.   Motion voted on: 24 ?yes? votes, 10 ?no? votes.
ii.   Motion passes.
C.   Sound Testing Training.
a.   A request  and subsequent motion was presented by Dave Oakleaf and seconded by Jim Geddes that read as follows: ?D37 will pay for the two new rider representatives to get sound test training-Money will be taken from the Legal Defense Fund.?
i.   Motion voted on and passed unanimously.
D.   Radios
a.   Al Guzman presented to the committee a need to purchase a second set of radios so as to have enough time to have the equipment ready for each event.
b.   It was verbally agreed upon (no formal vote taken due to the fact the monies use to buy them will come from the money Al collects for use of the radios from each club) to allow Al to purchase the radios from the radio fund.
E.   National H&H Series
a.   A motion was presented by Bill Howell and seconded by Alex Balstias that reads as follows: ?District 37 procees with investigation to purchase rights to AMA National Hare & Hound series. District 37 to advance $10,000 towards such purchase. Any corporation or association to repay District 37 for the initial purchase.?
i.   Motion was voted on: 31 ?yes? votes, 3 ?no? votes.
ii.   Motion passes.
VII   Reports
A.   Congress: Jim Geddes, Dave Oakleaf, & Bill Howell
a.   No report.
B.   VP: Skip Earwood
a.   Skip reported about his meeting out at 29 Palms and the reported lack of response from the off-road committee about the proposed MLB expansion.
b.   He urged all of us to complete the letters and comment forms by January 31, 2008.
C.   DLO: Dick Christensen
a.   A card and a gift were given to Dick from the Officers and rider representatives in recognition of his many years of service as our DLO.
b.   Dick notified us of the propose fee that is going to be charged for using the ?limited use? areas on BLM land.
D.   Referee:  Richie Wohlers
a.   Richie reported that Sled Riders were notified and fined for the lack of sound testing on Saturday at their event.
b.   The Senior Women?s class was announced as being implemented.
c.   It was announced that the numbering system for both the GP and Enduro divisions was changed. The numbers for the Desert division was discussed and agreed to remain unchanged for the 2009 season.
d.   Richie announced that starting immediately, race flyers must be in on time or a $50.00 fine will be assessed to the club for late flyers.
e.   Richie announced the elimination of the ?mini? class rule regarding limitations on the mini forbidding a rider to change back and forth between classes.
f.   Richie discussed with the body about a rule that was passed in April that read as follows: ?A rider who earns a number one plate shall be entitled to one free competition card and one free race entry per meet in the following year. The rider must apply their free rides and card to only one license but that license may be in any division the rider chooses.?
g.   Due to the uncertainty and poor authoring of the rule, Richie proposed a motion and clarification of the above rule, seconded by Kevin Shutt that read as follows: ?A rider who earns a number one plate shall be entitled to one addition free competition card and one additional free race entry per meet in the following year. The rider must apply their free rides and card to only one additional license but that license may be in any division the rider chooses.?
i.   Motion voted on: 8 ?yes? votes, 32 ?no? votes
ii.   Motion failed.
h.   Immediately following the above failed motion, a new motion regarding free entries for #1 plate holders was proposed by Jim Geddess, seconded by Skip Earwood that read as follows: ?For 2009 any #1 rider changing age class i.e. from Vet to Senior, gets a free entry for the year in the new age class, in addition to Article VII, paragraph I, page 13.?
i.   Motion voted on: 28 ?yes? votes, 17 ?no? votes.
ii.   Motion passes.
   i.    Richie made an announcement about the Risk Management Meeting next Thursday, January 15, 2009.
   j.   2009 Rulebooks are printing and should be available in one week.
   h.   Richie brought up for future a meeting/discussion about the fact that some classes, such as side-hack, have very few riders throughout the year.  Should we consider eliminating free race entries for #1 plate holders of classes that have a low number of racers during the year?
E.   BOD: Jim Geddes
a.   No report
F.   BLM: Al Guzman
a.   No report
G.   Eco Logic: Jerry Grabow
a.   Previously discussed.
H.   Rider Reps: Ryan Sanders, Tim Wilson, John Gil, Mark Drake
a.    Ryan Saunders
i.   No report
b.   Janine Khols
i.   No report
c.   Greg Seda
i.   No report
d.   Mark Drake:
i.   No report
I.   Web Master: Jeff Owens
a.   No report
J.   Newsletter: Julie Angell
a.   No report.
K.   Treasurer Report: Sandy Howell
a.   Total liabilities and equity: $197, 392.93
L.   Big 6: Dave Oakleaf
a.   It was announced by Dave Oakleaf that the Shamrocks are investigating a new venue for their GP and that they are looking into possibly racing down at Lake Elsinore.

VII   Race Reviews
A.   None given
VIII   Announcements
A.   Jackrabbits H&H ? 01/11/09
B.   Risk Management meeting on 01/15/09
C.   United MC Enduro? 01/18/09
D.   DMC National H&H ? 01/25/09
E.   Dirt Diggers GP ? 01/31 ? 02/01/09
VIIII   50/50 Raffle
A.   Horace Vega won the 50/50 raffle.

Meeting adjourned 10:35 pm by Jerry Grabow
« : January 30, 2009, 01:58:35 pm Kandy Thornton »

Kandy Thornton
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