A fond trip down memory lane...
I saw Eric's member profile which had a photo from his first race. I think it was H.B.M.C. 08. He really had no clue what to do so my brother decieded to ride as chase for him. Of course we deceided it would be a good idea to put
"I'm with stupid
on my brothers number plate. Gadget (or urgent care as he was known back then) took it is stride. Gadget actually did pretty well for his first race, being out of shape, extremly new to racing and agressive trial riding, and completely confused about what we had talked him into.
My brother failed to get along side Gadget for the Grumpy photo but at least we have one photo of the plate (On Eric's profile).
So here's to Eric "Inspector Gadget" Lemoine. The guy who takes more physical abuse and suffers more injuries that the cast of Jackass. He also takes more verbal abuse that a Checker with a first place trophy and a box of crayola crayons.
Hopefully he will be back soon from his hiatus.