Gumby, Rag Boy and I raced Saturday. 64 miles of not much fun. Lots of whoops and cross grain hammered the wrists. Rag Boy started w/ issues and DNFed w/ issues Both Gumby and I struggled w/ 6th place finishes.
Sunday morning Kyle w/ broken bike and Gumby to sore to ride left an opening for both their dads to ride a Paul Krause 'one loop' race yesterday. Julian had a 1st in class finish, Don Nay was physically wore out and I took a Rag Boy nap on the cousre for an hour because I chose not to take enough fuel in the pits. Big thanks to Kyle for bring out fuel to me and another mini rider that had my same problem. 140 miles whooped me!
W/ the father/son competition, I have to say the fathers won hands down!!!

Great weather and great company as only 5 of us were there to fly colors. (6 w/ Tara) KJ
ps A suprise visit was enjoyed Sunday AM by the 35 lb lighter Aaron Price!!! He looks GREAT!