Brian MacKenzie - VP
« : April 06, 2009, 11:54:27 am » |
Ok, the ?Hot tube? is north of dyer NV., approx 20 miles. While looking at a map, go to bishop, and then take hwy 6 north. Continue towards Tonopah NV, and then take the cut off to fish lake valley, hwy 264. Continue past the ?y? or hwy 773 and continue south on 264. Here is where the lack of signs makes it a little sketchy. You will pass a small housing area on the left or east side of the hwy and then a mill looking place with lots of large trucks and equipment. Then you will approach an out cropping of trees and a house. It?s the only house on the road, so if you make it to the house you went just past the turn off. The dirt road is very freeway like, in that it is huge and grated every week or so. It runs right next to a field with a pivot. There is a sign, it was blown down, on the west side if you get out and look for it. Make a left or go east on this road.The road is called mineral springs mine road but there are no other markings. I will be leaving after work on Friday, hopefully a little early. If I am first I will put a VFMC marker up. If you get there first, you will know it. The road does not appear to go anywhere but east. It continues east for approximately 8 miles. Then you will see a large turn out on the left. Take the left, you might even see other campers. The turn out is higher than the road, so when you get up there just park where you want. If you have Google earth I can send the info to you as well. I was there this last weekend, the 4th and 5th and it was great weather, 30s at night and 55 or so in the day time. Sandy = 7607841085.
Norm will most likly be the first out so he will put a sign up. I will be working all day so you can come by and check in at the CHP office at the south end of town.
There is a shorter way, but i dont recommend it for trailers through West Gaurd Pass. At the north end of Big Pine make a right at SR 168 and head east. Follow this until you get to the 266 (Still in CA). Make a left on the 266 and head towards Dyer NV. If you blink you will miss Dyer, but they have a good store and regular gas and diesel. continue on the 266/264 until you get to the north end of the valley, the road is marked on this side and turn right after the house mentioned above.