well we had another great weekend of fun in the sun.it started at 10:00 am. James and gumby started with all
the 250 ammies and not one backed off as they came around the turn.Megan started back on line 31 went
with a great start. Julian and my self headed the pits with mcgrath help.as they came around the first loop,254x
and James were doing some heavy racing to see who was going to get the lead, with all the rest of class not far
behind,and gumby not far behind.next loop James was in front and 254x in2ND then next lap they came in side
be side and James edged him out just passed the pits and took the lead again,then gumby came in,and Jim
noticed he was missing his oil filler plug and oil everywhere had to find another filler cap,Jim took his off his beta
and it fit and gave some more oil and off he went, now gumby(oil filler cap)is his name for this race.Megan ran
into some trouble and fell off her bike bruised herself pretty good but was able to make it to the finish.
James and 254x raced to the finished and 254x taking the win from James,and finished 5Th