: 837
« : February 18, 2011, 01:18:38 pm » |
D-37 Secretary 2011 Janine Kohls District 37 Off-Road Committee Meeting February 3, 2011
1. Meeting called to order by Jerry Grabow, President. 2. Attendance and minutes taken by Janine Kohls, Secretary. 3. Minutes of January 6, 2011 meeting reviewed and approved as presented. 4. Reports: a. Referee, Ryan Wilson. Competition Committee Meeting January 13, 2011:
(i) Effective for 2011 only, GP clubs can, at their discretion, combine groups (a) and (e) (as stated in Article II, Section 12 (page 24) of the Competition Rules Supplement) in one race.
(ii) Prairie Dogs received approval to change their night team race scheduled for June 18, to a 3 round ?Last Dog Standing? day/night race to be held at Glen Helen on June 18.
(iii) Race flyers reviewed: Dirt Diggers Desert Scrambles, Hilltoppers GP, Prairie Dogs GP, Prospectors Enduro.
(iv) Progress report on status of steward scoring program.
b. Treasurer, Sandy Howell.
c. Congress, Howell, Geddes and Oakleaf.
(i) Bill Howell: Nothing to report. (ii) Jim Geddes: Nothing to report. (iii) Dave Oakleaf: Nothing to report.
d. Board of Directors, Jim Geddes: Jim announced the next AMA Board of Directors meeting will be held on February 8, 2011. D37 budgets and year end reports are due on February 8 and elections for Board Treasurer and Board Chair will take place at that meeting.
e. Vice President, Skip Earwood. (i) Skip has race packets for clubs with upcoming races.
f. DLO, Karl Smith: Absent.
g. Rider Reps: Heather Jewell, Ryan Kudla, Ken Maw, Alex Grabow: Heather rider rep for February races, Ken rider rep for March races, Ryan rider rep for April races.
h. Off-Road Media Relations, Ryan Sanders: Absent.
i. Rule Book, Richie Wohlers: Absent.
j. Big Six, Dave Oakleaf: Big 6 is looking for sponsors to enable the series to have pro races with $2,500-$3,000 purse.
k. Newsletter, Darren Moen: Absent.
l. Website, Jeff Owen: Absent.
m. BLM/Race Radios, Al Guzman: Absent.
5. Old Business, Jerry Grabow. a. Ecologic: The Judge in the WEMO lawsuit issued a decision that the BLM must complete a new NEPA plan and submit it by March, 2014. During the new NEPA process there will not be any interim closures and green stickered bikes will be allowed on WEMO trails.
6. New Business, Jerry Grabow. a. 2010 Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year. Ballots were distributed. Jerry asked for any additional nominations, then read the list of nominees. Club Reps voted. Winners will be announced at the Awards Banquet on February 19, 2011.
b. Date Board Meeting. Due to the BLM?s suggestion that permit applications be submitted as soon as possible (up to 364 days) prior to the event, Ryan Wilson proposed moving the Date Board meeting to April to facilitate clubs with races early in 2012. Bob Koch made a motion to change Date Board to the April Off-Road meeting. Motion seconded by Donn Nay. Motion passed.
c. BLM Liaison. Jerry suggested that Skip Earwood would be a good candidate to fill the newly created BLM Liaison position. Jim Geddes made a motion to appoint Skip to that position and for Skip to be trained by the BLM to review SRP?s prior to submission to the BLM. Motion seconded by Dave Oakleaf. Motion passed.
d. Race Packets. Since Skip Earwood will now be assisting clubs with SRP?s, Jerry delegated responsibility for race packets to the Rider Reps.
e. 2011 Off-Road Budget. After a brief discussion concerning the 2011 Off-Road Budget, Donn Nay made a motion to approve the budget. Motion seconded by Skip Earwood. Motion passed.
f. Justin Imhof. Alex Grabow made a motion for D37 Off-Road to make a $5,000 donation to Justin Imhof?s recovery fund. The donation would come from the General Fund, not from the RHR fund. Chris Bosen seconded the motion. Motion passed.
g. Riders Helping Riders. Bill Howell gave a brief overview of requirements to qualify for assistance from the RHR fund.
h. Prairie Dogs - Last Dog Standing Event. Craig Hunter proposed a sliding points scale to be used for the Prairie Dogs 3 round race format. The Prairie Dogs also requested an entry fee increase to $75 for district riders and $150 for pro riders for this event. After discussion, the Off-Road Committee determined that the points issue must be decided by the Comp Committee. Prairie Dogs were instructed to make their points presentation at the next Comp Committee meeting. The Off-Road Committee then asked the Prairie Dogs to attend the March Off-Road meeting with a race budget showing why an entry fee increase is warranted.
7. Race Reviews: DMC was tough.
8. Announcements: a. February 23, Nathan Woods Memorial Ride and Silent Auction at Glen Helen. 100% of proceeds will go to the Nathan Woods Memorial Fund.
b. Four Aces National H&H February 13, 2011.
c. Check Chase H&H February 27, 2011
d. Julie Angel has sold enough raffle tickets to cover the cost of the bile. 285 raffle tickets still to be sold.
9. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.