Had a great time, good seeing all of you.
Only did 1 loop Sunday on "A" course, there was a big bottle neck at the only major hill and it probably took 15-20 mins to get around it, by that time the leader was on Her 3rd loop and passed me near home check. I am happy that I was able to ride and finish a loop since I have not raced in 3 years.
I was actually making up some ground on 3 other riders and was having fun when the "hill" got in the way, all 4 of Us and a few more behind us had to find a way around the mess.
Stuff hurts today that I did not even know I had, but I felt good to be out there.
Next stop for Us will be Vikings, I will be Pit captain, see you then.
Ryder says sorry

he was such a grouch with the other dogs, He is still getting used to being around the other dogs and it was only his 4th trip to the Dez. By Sunday afternoon he was able to be off leash and out of the crate and made friends with some of the dogs. He is not really agressive, but barks and growls when he is playing with Dezzie as well, He will get better.