I am sure none of you would fall for this but I got a couple calls today.
I get a call and the guy with an Indian accent says he is with Microsoft and there systems report that I am register and that I am using windows and that my PC has been hacked. He does his script for a little bit and continues to tell me I have been hacked and he will walk me though how to fix my PC. I tell him I don't use Windows and that I have a Macintosh. Of course I am setting in front of 3 PC's all running windows.

He continues to tell me that I have been hacked by the hackers. I tell him, wait you said you were with Microsoft and that I am running windows. He gets quit and then repeats that I have been hacked by the hackers. I laugh and play with him a little more. He gets flustered but just keeps repeating that I have been hacked by the hackers and asks if I am setting in front of my PC. I tell him again that he isn't making any sense and that I only use a Macintosh. I finally hang up on him laughing.
About 10 minutes later, I get a call. The guy says with an Indian accent, hello, I am calling from Macintosh. I laugh at the guy and tell him they are pathetic and hang up.
This is an old scam so if someone calls with something along these lines, don't fall for it.