These were just sent out by District. Enjoy!
District 37 Off-Road Committee
Meeting for December 6, 2007
I Meeting called to order by Jim Geddes, President
II Attendance and minutes taken by Sheri Kibbe, District 37 Secretary
III Opening Comments
A. None noted
IV New Business
A. ?4 on the Floor? Motorcycle Club, a club dedicated to quad racers, would like to be recognized as a sanctioned club. They would like to host an event in 2009. They are in the process of becoming a club with the AMA.
B. Bad checks; We are receiving a lot of bad checks at the GP?s. If you get a bad check, hold back the riders points until they make good on the check. Notify the next club of the rider who wrote the bad check so they don?t sign up with another one.
C. Stewards; Dave Oakleaf motions to have the District pay the Stewards hotel expenses instead of the Big6 or the clubs paying. The clubs do not get any part of the entry fee?s as the desert division does. Cost will be about $500 per event. Motion second by Doug Phelan. Vote 22 for 5 against. Motion passed. This motion will be included in the new year?s budget.
D. Discussed having all 7 GP?s count for points. Straw vote indicated 26 in favor, 1 opposed.
V Old Business
A. Motion made by Donn Nay, second by Tim Wilson to allow all riders 70 years of age and older to get free entries to all D-37 races. They must still pay $5 legal defense fund. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Discussed adding an additional steward for the youth series in the GP division. Motion made by Richie Wohlers, second by Devon Rich. Motion passed unanimously. Motion made by Dave Oakleaf and second by Devon Rich to nominate Kelly Phelan to be the youth series steward for 2008. Motion passed unanimously.
VI Reports
A. Treasurer: Balance is $232.026.87 total liabilities and equity. RHR race profited $9525.02 after expenses.
B. Congress: Jim Geddes was nominated to the Executive Committee. The family membership went through the AMA committee. We are waiting for an answer from the Board. The AMA is getting out of promoting. If the National H&H Clubs are interested, contact the AMA as that series is for sale.
C. VP: Need volunteers to work e Long Beach show from 4-9 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There are 100 tickets left for the raffle bike for the LDF.
D. BLM: Al Guzman is working with the BLM to avoid having more than one event in the same area at the same time.
E. Referee: We had a couple of protests, discussed 250 4-strokes and where they fit in. Sweep riders need to make sure any riders left on the course make it back to the camp area. They can not leave the course for any reason. All clubs through June need to attend the Risk Management Meeting on January 10th. Med-Event Ambulance went out of business. Other companies that we work with are AMR and Symmons. Rescue 3 prefers Symmons. If you want a different company than Symmons, you need to specify what that is.
F. BOD: none
G. DLO: Attended the OHV leadership program in Sacramento. There will be a gate fee at El Mirage starting in January. Razor Road and El Mirage are still open for competition. Contact Roxy Trost at the Barstow BLM for more info.
H. Eco Logic: none
I. Rider Reps: none
J. Rule Book: In the process of being done.
K. Web Master: No report
L. Newsletter: The newsletter is being handed over to Julie Angell. Please send all correspondence to PO Box 2122, Monrovia, CA 91017 or VII Race Reviews
A. Viewfinders GP ? good course
B. SoCal ? good race 2nd loop was epic
C. TWMC ? WOW! Butt kicker!!
D. 100?s MC ? really good, no stupid stuff
E. Prospectors GP ? very fun
F. Rovers ? was cancelled
G. RHR ? good, awesome, rocky, was fun to work
H. Vikings GP ? mud bog
VIII Announcements
A. Jackrabbits H&H January 13th
B. UMC Enduro January 20th
C. Anyone who worked RHR that did not receive a finisher pin, contact Sheri Kibbe at and a pin will be sent to you.
D. Dave Oakleaf wins 50/50 drawing.
VIIII Minutes from previous month approved.
Adjourned 9:35pm