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: D37 Feb. Off-Road Minutes  ( 968 )

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« : February 19, 2008, 02:37:02 pm »

For your reading pleasure:

District 37 Off-Road Committee
Meeting for February 7, 2008

I   Meeting called to order by Jerry Grabow, President
   A. Additions to Agenda
      1. Pre-race entries
      2. Four on the Floor
      3. RHR Poker Run
      4. Mileage
   B. Introduction of Special Guests
1. Daphne Green ? Deputy Director of the California OHV Parks & Recreation
      2. Phil Jenkins ? Chief Director of the California OHV Parks & Recreation
      3. Pete Conaty ? Off-road lobbyist

II   Attendance and minutes taken by Jannean Sapp, District 37 Secretary
III   Review and Approval of Minutes
A.   Approved

IV   Guest Speaker

A.   Daphne Green and Phil Jenkins spoke to the Off-road body on behalf of the state of California in regards to the recent passing of AB 742.
a.   First time in history the OHV community as a whole came together to author and pass a bill to fight for our OHV programs
b.   With 742, the OHV commission now works in a ?consultant? capacity only and allows non-profit organizations to apply for grants to help manage and maintain off-road riding areas.
c.   With this new bill there will be a slight increase in green sticker funds.
d.   We will be allowed for the first time to apply for the grants which in turn will allow us to hire contractors to clean-up our areas and keep a small portion for our district for ?administrative costs.
e.    They will not be accepting grant applications until January of 2009 but they want to hear from us any grant ideas e-mailed to them at: With the new grant submissions, there will be an opportunity to both submit and monitor the grant process online at their website.

V.   New Business

A.   Policy Change in Mini Class
a.   Jerry Grabow and Richie Wohler?s spoke to the off-road body in regards to the conflict in the AMA rulebook versus how we run our events in regards to the mini class.
b.   Per the AMA rule in Chapter 3, Section ?O?, paragraph 2,??no combination of ATV?s, minicycles, or motorcycles may be run at the same time on the same course.?
c.   As it stands our events are violation the AMA rules and if an incident with a quad and/or a motorcycle occurs we run the risk of no insurance coverage due to the rule violation.
d.   Jerry made the announcement to the off-road body so as to make all the clubs aware of the violation and subsequent issue.
e.   Just recently became aware of issue due to the AMA?s change in insurance carrier for 2008.
f.   Due to this conflict, a discussion was made to possibly issue an emergency rule change in regards to the mini class. However no viable solution was made so a three part motion was made by Skip Earwood and second by Tim Wilson that stated the following:
i.   A) Clubs adjust needs accordingly & insurance for minis
ii.   B) District pursue insurance and settle issues with AMA rule
iii.   C) Competition committee alternate mini class rules
g.   Motion passed unanimously
B.   Lobby Days
a.   One of the special guests, Pete Conalty spoke with us about participation in ?Lobby Days?
b.   Done on April 7, 2008, he requests that as many of us as possible participate in this event to demonstrate a united front in the OHV community
c.   He discussed that it?s imperative that we attend so as to assist in preserving our right to ride and keep land open for us to ride and that it does make a difference for us to attend.
d.   District provides $200.00 per club representative to attend this event but each club needs to apply for the funds for their representatives.
C.   Proposed Energy Site in Lucerne
a.   Jerry Grabow and Dick Christensen spoke about their recent tour with BLM, a Florida company named FPL, and our attorney, Mr. Hubbard.
b.   The FPL is proposing to install windmills in at Anderson area, on top of the Wilson?s located by the lakebed.
c.   The towers will take six months to build and once installed they will be 16?x 30? and 220? tall. We will be allowed to ride within the towers once they are built.
d.   They have been monitoring for the last two years and are still looking at two years of testing. Once that is completed they may or may not decide to install the windmills.
e.   FPL is being very cooperative with us and are willing to work with us.
D.   Budget
a.   A new 2008 District 37 budget was proposed and distributed to the off-road body by the treasurer, Sandy Howell.
b.   A motion was presented by Skip Earwood and second by Devon Rich to ?Pass 2008 budget as Presented?. Motion passed.
E.   Race Entries
a.   Steve Freeman from Dirt Diggers brought up the issue of free district entries and gate entry for district officers. 
b.   He requested that free gate entries be for ?District Officers? only and not the entire officers family
c.   It was brought-up for discussion that the district compensate the clubs for the free entries of district officers
d.   Lastly, he requested that there be a change in the rule where number one plate holders only get free entries for their respective divisions
e.   Due to time constraints, this discussion was cut short and tabled for the next meeting.
F.   Four on the Floor
a.   Having received their official sanction from AMA, Mike Lujan of ?Four on the Floor? requested on behalf of ?Four on the Floor? to be voted in as an official District 37 club.
b.    Vote was made and passed unanimously.
G.   RHR Poker Run
a.   Don Nay put forth a challenge and a request for clubs to put together a ?themed check? for the RHR poker run the weekend of ?Vikings National H&H?.
H.   Mileage
a.   Don Christensen requested and made a motion and second by Bill Howell that Wayne Nosala be paid $77.00 for gas to go to a meeting in 29 Palms.
b.   Motion passed

VI   Old Business
A.   Ecologic
1.   Jerry Grabow revisited the discussion in regards to remaining with Ecologic and continuing on retaining Mr. Hubbard as our attorney.
2.   The attorney has proposed that he will work at $175.00 per hour and will have not only him but his entire staff working with us.
3.   The max cap will be $4,417.00 as previously approved and will not exceed that amount per month even if the total amount of work performed that month exceeds that amount.
4.   After a bit of discussion, Jerry requested that we approve to go ahead and move forward with approving the new contract
5.   A motion was made by Dave Oakleaf and second by Donn Nay to keep Ecologic for six months and then review their value to D37 and whether we should continue with this group. Motion passed 27 for 3 against.
6.   Ed Waldheim then spoke about COVRA?s removal from Ecologic and his displeasement with Ecologic?s performance.
B.   Second Reading of Proposed New Rule
1.   A second read of the new rule proposed by Dave Oakleaf was read.
2.   The rule reads as such: ?insert here?. (I?m waiting to hear back from Richie on this one)

VII   Reports
A.   Congress:
a.   No report
B.   VP: 
a.   No report
C.   DLO:
a.   Dick Christensen added in addition to the previously mentioned topics that Jerry Brown is seeking to have smog devices installed on all gasoline powered engines.
D.   Referee:  Richie announced the following topics:
a.   DMC requested presence at Competition Committee meeting in regard to ribbon pulling at United MC.
b.   Table discussion about AMA minibike rule conflict
E.   BOD:
a.   Jerry not at meeting but will be at the Board of Directors meeting Tuesday.
F.   BLM:
a.   None given
G.   Eco Logic: 
a.   Previously discussed.
H.   Rider Reps:
a.    Ryan Saunders made the announcement that as the new rider representative/media contact he will be submitting articles about our events to Cycle News.
I.   Race Radios:
a.   Al Guzman reminded us that we must give him the $50.00 fee for the radios and sound equipment.
J.   Web Master: 
a.   No report
K.   Newsletter:
a.   No Report
L.   Treasurer Report
a.   Total liabilities and equity: $203,752.22

VII   Race Reviews
A.   None given

VIII   Announcements
A.   None given

VIIII   Minutes from previous month approved.

Meeting adjourned 10:30pm by Jerry Grabow

Kandy Thornton
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