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Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dave Springer on March 10, 2014, 02:44:04 am

Title: Grand Prix trophies
Post by: Dave Springer on March 10, 2014, 02:44:04 am
A couple of guys came by camp this weekend at HBMC race looking for trophies from our GP.  Who has the trophies, and how about posting something on D237 message board on who guys can get them?
Title: Re: Grand Prix trophies
Post by: Charlie & Darlene Barney - Life Members, 2015 President on March 10, 2014, 08:05:38 am
I think Chris or Donn have them.

Title: Re: Grand Prix trophies
Post by: Dave Springer on March 10, 2014, 08:20:31 am
Thanks Charlie.
Title: Re: Grand Prix trophies
Post by: Chris Cory - President 2012-14 -Life Memeber on March 10, 2014, 06:37:49 pm
I have the GP trophies and Donn has the Scrambles trophies. Not sure what to put on the message board as far as how to get them. It is just whatever race we are at. Donn passed out a couple at 4 aces. Most the guys at the Desert are looking for the Scrambles trophies but they say GP. I spent a few minutes going through the results looking for the guys name and couldn't find it. I asked him again if he was looking for the GP trophies or the scrambles and he said or sorry I meant the scrambles.  :-\
Title: Re: Grand Prix trophies
Post by: Dave Springer on March 11, 2014, 04:12:46 am
Thanks for the info Chris.  Maybe just pic a race that gets big entries like  one of the upcoming GPs or Nationals or maybe RUTS and decide to be there with them and post that on the message board.  Just a thought.
Title: Re: Grand Prix trophies
Post by: Donn Nay on March 11, 2014, 10:29:47 am
I've had the Scrambles trophies with me at the races I've been to and we distributed to all that had club affiliation. Give them my email if they're scrambles and we'll work it out. I UPS'd one to a guy in Solvang because I forgot to bring it to the awards dealio.
Title: Re: Grand Prix trophies
Post by: Dave Springer on March 13, 2014, 07:29:44 am
Donn, who has the GP trophies?  Would you be ok with putting your contact info on the d37message board?  If not I understand. 
Title: Re: Grand Prix trophies
Post by: Donn Nay on March 13, 2014, 12:55:38 pm
Donn, who has the GP trophies?  Would you be ok with putting your contact info on the d37message board?  If not I understand. 

I've put it up before and have no issue with doing that. I only have the scrambles trophies though as I'm not going to the G.P.'s but did hit the first few desert races.

I also have our member's trophies from District that will be at DD.