Viewfinders MC
Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Brian MacKenzie - VP on September 23, 2008, 09:30:31 am
I need a new skid plate, broke mine at HBMC this weekend. Is someone close to a KTM dealer who would pick one up for me. I will call a head and pay for it at the dealer you are close to. Any help here is appreciated.
Why don't you call up BRP (Jim Rios) 949-588-9130 Let him know you are a Viewfinder... He can ship it to your house overnight delivery if it's in stock!~
3 Brothers is also a great shop for KTMs they are located in Orange County but the Barbosa brothers (who own it) race D37 so you may be able to get them to bring it to the race for ya if they are racing it!~
Hope this helps!!
Try Bert's its close to my office, glad to bring it out Friday night. I'm going there now to get a gasket for Kyle I'll see if they have one. I assume this is for your 525? Is it 2004? I'll drop a dime on you from Bert's.
if u tell me the year of the bike the size and which skid plate i might be able to pick one up tomorrow at 3 brothers
Thanks all for your help. No one has the plate i need so i will order it here.
Can't say we didn't try! Aren't D37 clubs great?
Hope you get it before this weekend. I'd "borrow" Brian's for you but he's in N.Y. and has an alarm on his garage!
There is a Brian here I could "barrow" from as well but I just went with the Aluminum one.
We Have one KTM Hard part Plastic skid plate you can have . Maxl
Cool , will you be out at the work weekend?
No, but the plate is here in Barstow if You know of a way to have it picked up , Im leaving for Mesquite Nv at noon for the weekend. Ill be at the GP Sat night. Let Me know , Max
I will just get it from you at the GP if thats ok.
I will just get it from you at the GP if thats ok.
Yep, its on the way via Cockerell
Thank you!!!!! fits perfect!!!