Viewfinders MC
Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gumby on April 14, 2008, 06:16:04 pm
I found a quick fill for your gas gas. it works for mine so it should work for yours ;D
I found a quick fill for your gas gas. it works for mine so it should work for yours ;D
This I gotta see. But it will not be any fun watching Keith get pitted with the funnel. Always reminds me of the saying about a monkey(s) and a footballl!
Anything could be faster than turning a 2 gal spout can upside down. I'm interested in seeing your quick fill. If it's faster and not in your the lap, I am game! By the way, I only did the funnel thing once ::) If it can't be stuck in the hole and dumped, it gets to complicated for the average desert racer ;D "This dang things slow" PULL THE HANDLE CHARLIE!!!
I found a quick fill for your gas gas. it works for mine so it should work for yours ;D
You want everything Keth! I put it the hole and then you wanted me to pull the handle to!!