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Public Board Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kandy on January 30, 2009, 01:58:21 pm

Title: D37 January Comp Committee Minutes
Post by: Kandy on January 30, 2009, 01:58:21 pm
District 37 Competition Committee
Meeting for January 15, 2009

I.   Meeting called to order by Richie Wohlers, District Referee

II.   Attendance taken by Jannean Sapp. Stewards present are: Ryan Wilson, Heather Gongora Keith DeJongh, Chris Asquith, Dan Barnett and Devon Rich.    
Special Guests: Bill and Lori Bateman, Art Witney, Joe Bianchi, Ryan & Erek Kudla, Steve Freeman, Jerry Grabow and Julie Angel.
III.   Discussions:
1.   Fliers to be reviewed:
a.   Dirt Diggers:
i.   Change verbiage for ?Super Seniors to Masters? and red & black numbers loop requirements.
ii.   Change entry fee verbiage
b.   VCMC Qualifier:
i.   Change entry fee amount.
ii.   Correct verbiage from ?registration? to ?out of state permit?
c.   Prairie Dogs GP:
i.   Approved as submitted.
d.   Badgers:
i.   Add ?Pays desert points?
ii.   Relocate ?one hour races? verbiage located next to ?District 37 points?
iii.   Possible schedule change. TBD at 02/12/09 meeting

2.   European Scrambles Schedule
a.   Richie brought-up for discussion the possibility of changing the current European Scramble schedule. Possible class combinations were discussed were:
i.   All Vets together in one race.
ii.   All Sr.  & Magnum intermediate racers in their own race.
iii.   All Women & minis together with the 60+ classes. (same as GP races)
iv.   Combine the Senior & Magnum novices together in one race
b.   Due to the necessity of more current data, further discussion on the topic was postponed until the 02/12/09 meeting.
3.   Meeting adjourned 10:25 pm