Donn Nay
Global Moderator
: 3443
« : February 15, 2012, 04:24:57 pm » |
District 37 Off-Road Committee Meeting February 2, 2012
Prior to the start of the meeting a moment of silence was observed to honor the memory of Lance Black, SoCal MC 1. Meeting called to order by Jerry Grabow, President. 2. Attendance and minutes taken by Janine Kohls, Secretary. 3. Minutes of January 5, 2012 reviewed and approved with 1 revision to paragraph 4(c). 4. Reports: a. Referee, Joe Bianchi. (i) Competition Committee meeting January 12, 2012. (a) Flyers Reviewed. Vikings National Hare & Hound, Hilltoppers Grand Prix. (b) Open Discussion. Referee and stewards had open discussion concerning the following matters: (i) Rider request to add 1 mile mandatory ODO check at all enduros. (Request declined.) (ii) Rider request to move down a skill level due to severe injury 2 years ago. (Conditional approval.) (iii) Can expert rider with 5 year break in racing sign up as intermediate. (No.) (iv) Track conditions for GP youth classes after 3 rounds of bikes have raced. (v) D37 rule regarding re-boring and displacement determining class is outdated. (Suggest adopting AMA rule.) (vi) Regarding DQ at Jackrabbits race. (Confirmed protocol was followed and support Race Referee?s decision.) (vii) Dirt Diggers possible change of March event. (viii) Clarification of rider protest process. b. Treasurer, Sandy Howell. Sandy presented the 2012 Off-Road budget. c. Congress, Jim Geddes, Bill Howell. Nothing new to report. d. Board of Directors, Jim Geddes. The next Board of Directors meeting will be February 7. Elections will be held and 2012 budgets will be presented. e. Vice President, Skip Earwood. (i) District Expenses. The District policy for reimbursement of expenses incurred by officers and stewards states that officers/stewards cannot spend more than $50 on district-related expenses without prior approval from the President, or in the case of the stewards, from the Referee. (ii) Post Event Reports. To reduce the occurrence of late post event reports Skip proposed the following policy: penalty equal to 1% of total amount due to D37 for reports submitted 17-31 days after the event. For reports more than 31 days late the penalty would be 1% of the total amount due for each day from day 32 to the date the report is submitted (not compounded). This policy was voted on and passed. (iii) District Trailer. The trailer is being modified and set up specifically for race supplies and for possible future use as a scoring trailer. f. DLO, Donn Nay. (i) WEMO. Donn asked for people knowledgeable about trails/routes in the WEMO planning area to provide comments and recommendations about route networks and routes to be opened. Deadline for comments is April 15. (ii) Save Johnson Valley Fundraising to Hire Lobbyist. Donn stated that CMRC member organizations are in support of raising funds for lobbying efforts in connection with saving Johnson Valley. Jim Geddes made a motion for D37 to pledge $20,000. Funds to come from the Legal Defense Fund, due by April 1, 2012. D37 will hold fundraisers and/or collect donations to repay those funds to the LDF. Any funds raised by D37 in excess of $20,000 will be added to the CMRC Save Johnson Valley fund. All funds raised by CMRC will be deposited into an escrow account to be used strictly to pay for saving Johnson Valley. (iii) DAC. Kim Carpenter is running for a position on the Desert Advisory Council and Donn asks that clubs and individual members support her for the position. (iv) Lobby Days. National lobby days this year will be a local event on March 14-15. Donn encourages members to make appointments with their representatives (especially Federal representatives) and meet with them in their local offices to discuss OHV concerns. g. President, Jerry Grabow. (i) BLM Reports. BLM has reported to Jerry that the last 4 events were in full compliance with the SRPs. (ii) Recognition. Jerry acknowledged the extraordinary effort by Andrew McDaniel (HBMC) in immediately volunteering his services and providing grief counseling to several people directly touched by the tragic passing of Lance Black. A motion was made to recognize Andrew?s efforts ?above and beyond? by presenting him with a $200 restaurant gift card and free race entry for the remainder of 2012. Motion passed. (iii) Ecologic. No new developments. h. Rider Reps: Ed Moore is handling race signage and sound test cards for all 2012 races; Bonnie Boone is working with Donn Nay on CMRC-related matters; Brian Nasif absent. i. Rule Book, Richie Wohlers. Nothing new to report. j. Big Six, Jim Geddes. Big 6 is considering taking the GP series to a national level with AMA by adding a non-D37 points paying race at each round to be scored collectively as a west coast championship series. k. Newsletter, Darren Moen. Darren will work with Ed Waldheim to publish information in the newsletter about trail mapping, signage and legal trail riding. l. Website, Jeff Owen. Absent. m. Race Radios, Skip Earwood. Nothing new to report. 5. Old Business. a. Ridgecrest BLM. Ed Waldheim reported that the Ridgecrest office has been GPS?ing trails and that the BLM may use this information in its law enforcement efforts. Riders should note that trails are closed unless signed otherwise. 6. New Business. a. 2011 Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year. Ballots were distributed and club reps voted. Winners will be announced at the awards banquet on February 18, 2012. b. Exception - Prospectors Enduro. Prospectors March 18 enduro has been moved to Anza. Landowner does not allow quads so a motion was made to exclude quads from that race. Motion passed. c. Exception - VCMC 2-Day Qualifier. (i) Ryan Kudla made a motion requesting a rule exception to allow VCMC members working both days of their 2-day qualifier to receive 2 sets of enduro workpoints. Motion passed. (ii) Ryan Kudla made a motion to utilize the AMA 2-day supplemental rules for the VCMC 2-day qualifier. This includes ?Parc Fermé? (impound) for riders competing on both days for West Chec Enduro Championship Series points. The motion includes an additional $20 entry fee for the 2-day West Chec riders to cover security, signage, and other materials required for impound. Motion passed. d. Out of State Enduro. Ryan Kudla made a motion requesting that ?local rules apply? for classes, competition and fees at the upcoming AMRA event in Arizona which is part of the WEPG West Chec Enduro Championship Series. D37 will not receive any fees. $10 entry for D37 officers and stewards. Motion passed. e. Scoring Computers. Ryan Kudla made a motion for D37 to purchase a computer system (not to exceed $1,600) to be used in 2012 for on-site scoring of the enduro series. The computer system would be property of District 37. Motion passed. 7. Announcements. ? Four Aces National H&H, February 12. ? District raffle bike will be given away at awards banquet, February 18. ? Check Chase H&H, February 26. ? Dirt Diggers Desert Scramble (March 25) has been cancelled. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.