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: March Meeting Minutes  ( 1616 )
Donn Nay
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« : April 03, 2014, 08:36:57 am »

March 13, 2014 Comp Meeting Minutes

1) Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Dan Barnett, District Referee.
Minutes of the February 13, 2014 meeting approved as presented.
Attendance and minutes taken by Janine Kohls.
Guests: Craig Hunter, Prairie Dogs
Dave Wasden and Ed Moore, Checkers
Stewards present: Stacy Doerksen, Bob Koch, Jerry Rickmeyer, Brian Nasif, Tom Purdy
2) On behalf of Prairie Dogs, Craig Hunter made a motion to exclude quads from the 6/14/2014
Last Dog Standing event. Motion passed.
3) On behalf of the Big 6, Craig Hunter presented an updated GP post event report. Dan will
review the report, discuss with Skip Earwood, and get back to Craig with comments.
4) Prairie Dogs called to Comp Committee for charging D37 officers and No. 1 plate holders $6
per entry instead of $3 per entry per D37 standing rules, at their March 1-2, GP. A motion
was made to fine Prairie Dogs $3 per ?free? entry, immediately payable to District 37.
Motion approved.
5) Checkers called to Comp Committee for sound test violations. Dave Wasden and Ed Moore
appeared for Checkers. Dan asked Dave and Ed to explain why Checkers did not conduct
sound test at their event. Dave responded saying they got busy and were shorthanded, so
they didn?t do it. Dan recommended a $1 per rider fine, payable in 2015 if proper sound test
procedures are not followed at the 2015 Checkers event. Stewards voted in favor of the
suspended fine.
6) The Competition Committee discussed the following:
a. Flyers Reviewed.
Prairie Dogs Last Dog Standing
- Club must attend Off-Road Committee meeting to ask for entry fee increase
- Minor release statement is incomplete
- Add type of start
March 13, 2013
Page 2
VCMC Rawhide Rodeo
- Add ?No 3-wheelers?
- Add missing sound test wording and even numbers must test
- Add chase rider and pie plate language
- Revise entry fee statement for clarity. 1st race $45, 2nd race $35.
Shamrocks Grand Prix
- If club is planning to charge $10 for pie plate entries, add pie plate language1
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

District 37 Off-Road Committee Meeting
March 6, 2014
1. Meeting called to order by Jerry Grabow, President.
2. Attendance and minutes taken by Janine Kohls, Secretary.
3. Minutes of January 2, 2014 reviewed and approved as presented.
4. Katrina Symons, BLM Barstow Office Field Manager. Katrina attended the meeting to
discuss new boundary lines in Johnson Valley. Katrina also reported that the Marines will
sign/mark the boundaries, then the boundaries will be surveyed, adjustments may be made, if
necessary, and then the final boundaries will be published. Katrina provided maps generally
depicting the areas for open use, shared use, and exclusive military use (copy attached).
Marines will likely give 12-18 months notice prior to using the shared use area. Katrina also
noted that Johnson Valley OHV area is now a Congressionally designated OHV area and will
be managed day-to-day by the BLM.
5. Reports:
a. Referee, Jerry Rickmeyer for Dan Barnett.
(i) Checkers MC called to 3/13/2014 Competition Committee meeting concerning
sound testing.
(ii) Prairie Dogs MC called to 3/13/2014 Competition Committee meeting concerning
amount charged at GP for ?free? entries.
(iii) Competition Committee Meeting 2/13/2014:
(a) Moto Tally. The stewards discussed rider updates in Moto Tally.
(b) Flyers Reviewed. SoCal National Hare & Hound, Badgers Dual Euro, RUTS
Dual Euro.
b. Treasurer, Richie Wohlers. Total liabilities and equity $124,380.35. Balance in
ambulance fund is steadily declining; general fund is negative $16,000. Richie also noted
that post-event reports for Dirt Diggers 2014 GP and Prospectors 2013 GP are overdue.
At the April 3, Off-Road meeting Richie will present a proposal to balance the income
and outflow for the general fund and the ambulance fund.
March 6, 2014
Page 2
c. Congress, Jim Geddes, Bill Howell, Art Foreman.
(i) Bill had no new information to report.
(ii) Jim has spoken with Dave Pickett from District 36 regarding the lack of AMA clubs
and events in District 35. At the 2014 AMA Congress Jim will push to have the
area of District 35 divided between District 36 and District 37.
(iii) Art Foreman again discussed his proposed changes to the AMA rules governing
mini cycles. The purpose is to provide guidance for manufacturers as they develop
high performance 4-stroke engines for mini cycles.
d. Board of Directors, Jim Geddes. Elections were held at the last board of directors
meeting. Jim was elected as Chairman, Paul Flanders as Secretary, and Jerry Bailey as
Treasurer. The May board of directors meeting may be held by conference call.
e. President, Jerry Grabow.
(i) Jerry discussed a safety situation that occurred at the Four Aces event involving an
ambulance crossing a live race course. The discussion turned to the importance of
visibility of road crossing signage and road crossing personnel. Jerry also reported
that effective immediately the ambulance company will add flags to its vehicles to
improve their visibility and will educate its employees concerning safely traveling
on or near a live race course.
(ii) CAMRC. Jerry reported that at the last CAMRC meeting there was discussion
about hiring a third party entity to prepare and submit SRPs. The purpose would be
to reduce the amount of time the BLM spends contacting clubs for missing or
incomplete information. The movie industry has been successfully using the Inland
Film Commission to handle SRPs for filming in Johnson Valley.
(iii) Vikings National Hare & Hound. The Vikings notified NHHA that they are
cancelling their event for 2014. In order to keep the National event on the race
schedule, NHHA clubs and District 37 are stepping up to make this race happen.
(iv) Ecologic. Ecologic is very quiet right now. There will be a conference call next
week to discuss the Imperial Sand Dunes.
f. Vice President, Skip Earwood. Skip reported that between the Jackrabbits event and the
Checkers event 1 transponder reader went missing from the District trailer. Skip asked
Lost Coyotes, DMC, Dirt Diggers and Four Aces to check their race supplies. If the
reader isn?t found, Skip will request the cost of a replacement reader be split between
those 4 clubs.
March 6, 2014
Page 3
g. DLO, Donn Nay.
(i) BLM Meeting. On 3/6/14 Donn, Jerry Grabow and Skip Earwood met with Katrina
Symons at the BLM?s Barstow office. Various topics were covered including new
boundaries and what to expect going forward dealing with BLM.
(ii) Cuddeback. In February Donn met with a conservancy group in Cuddeback who
recently received mitigation land in the Fremont Peak Area. This group is
interested in exchanging designated single track trails for support and education on
their land in sensitive areas. Donn is asking for a volunteer familiar with the
Fremont Peak area to get involved to help establish designated routes of single
(iii) Lobby Days. Donn reported that the ?talking points? for lobby days is almost
finished and it has a very positive message this year.
h. Rider Reps. Christopher Deans had no information to report. Mike Vinson has tickets
for the raffle bike. See Mike at Hilltoppers camp. Julie Lee noted that she is looking for
advertisers for the Off-Road newsletter. Scott Shaner asked clubs to turn in their sound
test cards. So far this year Scott has received sound test cards from 1 club.
i. Rule Book, Richie Wohlers. No new information to report.
j. Big 6, Jim Geddes. Due to the cost for Moto Tally and a scoring team, Jim Geddes made
a motion on behalf of the Big 6 to increase ?free? entry fees from $3 to $6 per entry,
retroactive to the first GP of 2014. [Post meeting update: while the off-road body voted
in favor of this motion, it was not a valid motion. Entry fees are part of the standing rules
and require 3 readings before a vote can take place.]
k. Newsletter, Darren Moen. No new information to report.
l. Website, Jeff Owen. Absent.
6. New Business.
a. Brian Nasif noted that the District trailer is being returned dirty and without gas/oil in the
generator. Brian is asking the clubs to take better care of the trailer.
b. Brian Nasif made a motion for the Western Hare Scrambles series to pay District 37
desert points. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.
Chris Cory - President 2012-14 -Life Memeber

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: 1981

Wear the shield with pride!

« #1 : April 03, 2014, 06:04:34 pm »

Thanks for getting these posted Donn!

Chris Cory
Dez O555
GP O555
Enduro O555
Donn Nay
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: 3443

« #2 : April 04, 2014, 07:31:10 am »

No problem. They come as a .pdf so all I could think to do was copy/paste, hence the weird format. Open for suggestions.
Chris Cory - President 2012-14 -Life Memeber

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: 1981

Wear the shield with pride!

« #3 : April 04, 2014, 07:52:29 am »

It looks great, the only other thing would be you could also attach the pdf in case someone wants to save them.

Chris Cory
Dez O555
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« #4 : April 04, 2014, 11:36:34 am »

So did I read this right...Vikings want to cancel their National this month?
Chris Cory - President 2012-14 -Life Memeber

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: 1981

Wear the shield with pride!

« #5 : April 04, 2014, 11:40:35 am »

They did cancel it yes. The District and other NHHA clubs didn't want to loose the race so they joined together to still put in on. I don't know any other details beyond that though. Jim Geddes mentioned this at the last GP meeting.

Chris Cory
Dez O555
GP O555
Enduro O555
Donn Nay
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: 3443

« #6 : April 04, 2014, 12:30:36 pm »

They did cancel it yes. The District and other NHHA clubs didn't want to loose the race so they joined together to still put in on. I don't know any other details beyond that though. Jim Geddes mentioned this at the last GP meeting.

Yes, Rick Nuss is Referee and I think DMC is leading the effort for course layout. BLM is working with D37 on the course map and permit since most of the original Vikings course was inside the takeover area.
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