Overall the trip was really nice!!
Weather was great, even the Capt. commented that it was the nicest weather he had ever seen in Alaska. Even though it was between the mid fifties to mid sixties during the day, the sun was out and it was usually Tee shirt weather and NO rain!! Sea was flat calm most of the time, only time I could tell the ship was rock-n-rolling was when I was lying down. When the ship was moving you have 15 to 25 + MPH winds which brings out the sweatshirts and jackets. The balcony would have been perfect in warmer climates, but was better than the decks when moving due to being recessed, which blocked the wind somewhat.
The drink service problem was only in the Buffet area and the rear outdoor deck area, (same server) everywhere else it was good. Bar tab probably would have been $500 if it was warmer, Lila only has a few drinks a day, mostly Ice tea and sodas.
If your Dad has any other questions I prolly can answer them at RHR golf.
Now back to the regurally scheduled discussion about Badgers