Again great weather and company both Saturday and Sunday! 7 racers on Saturday's Scrambles and 4 on Sunday's H&H. Julian, Deann & Russ on the gas cans and goggle duty Saturday. Prez Norm and Chippy Lee had help from Saturdays crew today! Saturday Norm ,Megan and Boo-Boo Jenn did 1 loop and James, Gumby, Aaron and KJ finished 2 loops in that order. On Sunday H&H Pipe SMASHERJames, KJ, Gumby and (prospect) Terry H finished out the weekend. Next you see Julian ask him about camping us w/ the SERENADING CRICKETS???
Or perhaps you should say WHAT serenading crickets
Saturday was awesome! Could have done without the zero visibility dust situation, but the hill climbs were fun!! And I'd just like to say (JAMES!) that if you see me off my bike, I did not get off voluntarily!!