Donn Nay
Global Moderator
: 3443
« : April 29, 2014, 01:58:36 pm » |
District 37 Competition Committee April 10, 2014
1) Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Dan Barnett, District Referee. Minutes of the March 13, 2014 meeting approved as presented. Attendance and minutes taken by Janine Kohls. Guests: Gerald Milam, Dirt Diggers; Bill McGinnis, Viewfinders; Kurt Hintz, Prospectors; Jerry Grabow, District 37 Stewards present: Neale Aulakh, Bob Koch, Jerry Rickmeyer, Brian Nasif (by phone), Tom Purdy Steward absent: Stacy Doerksen,
2) Dirt Diggers, Viewfinders and Prospectors appeared at the Comp Committee meeting regarding past due (2013) post-event reports and payment of fees attributable to their GP events. After discussion with each club representative, a motion was made to fine each club $306, immediately payable to District 37. The fine was calculated at $1 per rider based on the event with the lowest number of riders (306). Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm