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: Sport committee meeting minutes  ( 1077 )
Donn Nay
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« : April 20, 2012, 11:35:15 am »

District 37 Off-Road Committee Meeting
April 5, 2012

1. Meeting called to order by Jerry Grabow, President.

2. Attendance and minutes taken by Janine Kohls, Secretary.

3. Minutes of March 1, 2012 reviewed and approved as presented.

4. Reports:
a. Referee, Joe Bianchi.
(i) Competition Committee Meeting March 8, 2012.
(a) Flyer Reviewed. SoCal Grand Prix.
(b) General Discussion. Topics included expected rider increase in the Masters class over
next few years and implementing one point structure across all disciplines of off-road.
Art Foreman presented to the Committee a proposal for changing the mini class structure
and a proposal to add a GP class for bike model years 1986-1995. No action was taken
on either proposal and both topics were deferred to the Off-Road Committee.
(c) Checkers/BLM. Joe summarized a conversation he had with Checkers representatives
regarding issues noted by the BLM at their February 26 event.
(d) Dirt Diggers GP DQs. Stewards discussed two DQs at Dirt Diggers GP. A formal
protest was not made and no action was taken.
(e) Club/BLM Issues. At the April Off-Road meeting Joe will ask for clarification on which
committee (Off-Road or Competition) should oversee matters between clubs and the
(ii) Club/BLM Issues. A policy was adopted stating that any issues between clubs and the BLM,
including any club not in compliance with its SRP, will be brought to the Competition
(iii) Protest. Checkers called to April 12 Competition Committee meeting for rider protest.
b. Treasurer, Sandy Howell. Total liabilities and equity $159,675.02.
c. Congress, Jim Geddes, Bill Howell, Art Foreman. Nothing new to report.
d. Board of Directors, Jim Geddes. Next board meeting will be Tuesday, April 10, 8:00 pm.
e. Vice President, Skip Earwood. District race trailer is 85-90% complete.
f. DLO, Donn Nay.
(i) WEMO comments due by April 15, 2012.
(ii) DAC Subgroup meeting in Barstow on April 10, 2012.
(iii) Save the Trails Rally April 21, 2012. Dual sport ride and competition organized by Stewards
of the Sequoias. Need D37 support.
(iv) Save Johnson Valley. CMRC hired Washington DC lobbyist; National OHV Lobby Days
were successful for some, but not D37; Save Johnson Valley decals available for $5/each
from the Howells. Proceeds go to D37/CMRC Save Johnson Valley fund; clubs need to be
prepared to contribute $500 each to fulfill D37 commitment of $20k contribution to the Save
Johnson Valley Fund.
(v) Club Legislative Officer, Donn Nay. Don suggested each club designate a Club Legislative
Officer to interact with him and coordinate club members attending meetings. Discussion
continued to May 3 meeting.
g. President, Jerry Grabow.
(i) Ecologic. Nothing new to report. Meeting scheduled for Monday, April 2 was postponed.
(ii) DAC. DAC Subgroup has accomplished its goal and completed the template operating plan.
(iii)SRP Submission. Jerry reminded the committee of the importance of timely submitting SRPs
to the BLM. Consequences for submitting applications late are not getting your race date
and/or your permit being denied.
(iv) Rider Appreciation Day. D37 Rider Appreciation Day BBQ will be held at the SoCal GP at
The Ranch on Saturday, June 2, 7:00 pm.
(v) Raffle Bike to Benefit Legal Defense Fund. Jim Geddes made a motion to purchase a 2012
KTM 300XC from 3 Brothers for $8,135, to raffle as a fundraiser for the LDF. The raffle
will include 850 tickets at $20 each. Motion seconded by Ed Moore. Motion passed.
h. Rider Reps. Ed Moore has race packets for upcoming races; Bonnie Boone, absent; Brian Nasif,
nothing new to report.
i. Rule Book, Richie Wohlers. Nothing new to report.
j. Big Six, Greg Seda for Jim Geddes. Race schedule has been changed for the remainder of 2012.
New schedule can be found on website. Big 6 looking for 2 announcers to cover GP events for
the entire year. Red Bull wants to cross-promote their events with Big 6 events.
k. Newsletter, Darren Moen. Nothing new to report.
l. Website, Jeff Owen. Absent.
m. Race Radios, Skip Earwood. Skip noted 2 sound meters are missing.

5. Old Business.
a. Cost Recovery Entry Fee Surcharge, Skip Earwood. Skip suggested postponing the re-evaluation
of the surcharge for an additional 60 days to gather more accurate figures. Report continued to
May 3 meeting.

6. New Business.
a. Specifications for Mini Classes, Art Foreman. Discussion continued to May 3 meeting.
b. Prairie Dogs/Glen Helen 24 Hour Race, Craig Hunter. Craig made a motion to allow non-District
37 members to enter the race without purchasing a District 37 license. Motion passed. Prairie
Dogs will be responsible for scoring all classes/riders earning D37 points. Glen Helen will be
responsible for scoring all other riders.
c. D37 Officers and the MX Series. Brian Nasif asked for a policy clarification regarding District
37 officers and number one plate holders receiving free race entry in the MX Series. The
committee agreed that since the MX Series has its own officers, referee, etc., free entry would not
be given in the MX Series.

7. Race Reviews
? Prospectors Qualifier
? Hilltoppers GP - a blast!

8. Announcements.
? Date board fees and yearly club agreements will be due at the May 3, 2012 meeting.
? Shamrocks GP, May 5-6
? Lost Coyotes Point-to-Point Qualifier, April 29
? Vikings National Hare & Hound April 22
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Joe Bianchi then conducted the date board meeting for 2013 race dates.
Bob Johnson - D37 Rep

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« #1 : April 21, 2012, 10:06:22 am »

Thanks Donn,
hopefully we have the problem solved and I will get the minutes as well.

Mr J
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