On behalf of the Dirt Diggers, I would like to thank all you guys and gals who came out and supported our return to the desert!, in my opinion the Viewfinders have thrown down the gauntlet for club participation at a D-37 event. BRAVO!

Our course captains Chuck Voliva and Mark Gowin worked hard to give you all a fun, fast flowing course to remember. I hope we lived up to all the hype we were selling. A BIG congrats to Gumby and your new member Dillon for overalling the ami and novice lines. All in all it was an awesome weekend getting to hang out and catch up with all of you around the camp fire. Jasons apple pie was off the hook!

The shenanigans were fun as always. hope you all like seeing your flags all around the course.

On Friday night i fell asleep in my trailer while putting my son to bed, only to be woken up by a fuzzy tickle on my leg. when i finally came too i had a 6ft+ gorilla staring at me!

I was like what the bleep is that!!! Sandy got me good!

Love you Sandy you will get yours!

I can't wait till next year so we can do it all again. I am going to challenge the diggers to give your G.P. the same support you all gave us. Ounce again i just want to say thank you to all of you, I love you Guys and Gals!