Chris Cory - President 2012-14 -Life Memeber
: 1981
Wear the shield with pride!
« : April 06, 2013, 01:02:19 pm » |
So I got a call this morning from my dad and he needed me to come over right away. We both called 911 and everyone was there when I got there. He got stung by 3 dozen plus africanized bees. It turns out the neighbor had a bee keeper out to get rid of some bees and once he opened it up, found out they where africanized. There were thousands of them, it was crazy. The firemen were going crazy trying to not get stung and get my dad out of the house. Luckily my dad is going to be OK and isn't allergic to bees. I have never seen anything like this. It was like something you would see in a movie.
Chris Cory Dez O555 GP O555 Enduro O555
Bob Johnson - D37 Rep
: 2459
« #1 : April 06, 2013, 02:08:28 pm » |
Glad everyone is OK I am slightly allergic to bees and one of My Brothers is highly allergic.
As far as the help with documents, when you have time, no hurry. I already have Adobe reader. Thanks Bob
Chris Cory - President 2012-14 -Life Memeber
: 1981
Wear the shield with pride!
« #2 : April 06, 2013, 02:59:07 pm » |
Still at the hospital but should be leaving soon. Got an update on the bees. Orkin came out but said they couldn't handle it so they have someone else coming tomorrow night. So at this point, it is a go outside at your own risk thing. They are still going after people but they are not in a big swarm like they were before. Crazy!
Chris Cory Dez O555 GP O555 Enduro O555
pete medina
: 165
« #3 : April 06, 2013, 03:57:01 pm » |
Glad your Dad is ok, Africanized bees can be very dangerous.
Bob Johnson - D37 Rep
: 2459
« #4 : April 07, 2013, 09:49:25 am » |
A friends wife is the office manager for a local pest control company, they used to try to save the bees and relocate them. Not anymore with the africanized bees, they have cross bred with the normal bees as well. Now they kill them since they can't take a chance. Hope they get rid of them soon, has to be scary for anyone close by.
Bob Johnson - D37 Rep
: 2459
« #5 : April 07, 2013, 08:36:02 pm » |
Get rid of the bees yet ??
Chris Cory - President 2012-14 -Life Memeber
: 1981
Wear the shield with pride!
« #6 : April 07, 2013, 09:21:54 pm » |
The guy was still there working on it as of about an hour ago. He is a bee guy but I am not sure he really knew what he was in for. Staci stopped by right as he was getting started and my niece took some video. They were going after him like crazy. They attacked a cat that took off like a bat out of hell. Also attacked a Dove that flew by. We will see tomorrow if he ends up getting them all. When my dad took a shower, he said he counted at least 30 spots just on his right shoulder that he got stung. So it looks like the initial figure of 3 or 4 dozen stings was actually low. He must have a high tolerance to bee stings.
Chris Cory Dez O555 GP O555 Enduro O555
Donn Nay
Global Moderator
: 3443
« #7 : April 08, 2013, 08:23:26 am » |
OH MY GOD! That is scary. I don't think I'd respond as well as you Dad Chris. I've only been stung a couple of times and the area swells up like crazy so I assume I'm alergic.
Chris Cory - President 2012-14 -Life Memeber
: 1981
Wear the shield with pride!
« #8 : April 08, 2013, 08:58:24 am » |
Either he has a very high tolerance to stings or this bread is very aggressive but not very potent. He was pretty out of it right after it happened but it didn't last all that long. Besides the stingers stuck in him, there really wasn't any other sign of the stings visually. It was pretty traumatizing though and he said after we got back from the hospital, he was still seeing bees flying around in front of him even though there weren't any there. The combination of all the stings and the meds really messed him up. That night, he was trying to make phone calls and was getting upset because it wasn't working and then realized he was punching in the numbers on the TV remote. Then he was trying to turn off the TV and realized he was holding his cell phone.  He is laughing about it now but doesn't want to go through it again for sure. It was pretty funny when we went back to the house afterwards. We are all setting in the car looking around for bees not wanting to get out. It really was like the movie birds or one of those B movies.
Chris Cory Dez O555 GP O555 Enduro O555
Bob Johnson - D37 Rep
: 2459
« #9 : April 08, 2013, 10:10:56 am » |
The Africanized bees have killed a few people and at least one dog out this way. I am sure it depends on your reaction to the sting(s). Glad to hear He is doing well, scary to say the least.
Bob Johnson - D37 Rep
: 2459
« #10 : April 08, 2013, 10:47:14 am » |
Either he has a very high tolerance to stings or this bread is very aggressive but not very potent. He was pretty out of it right after it happened but it didn't last all that long. Besides the stingers stuck in him, there really wasn't any other sign of the stings visually. It was pretty traumatizing though and he said after we got back from the hospital, he was still seeing bees flying around in front of him even though there weren't any there. The combination of all the stings and the meds really messed him up. That night, he was trying to make phone calls and was getting upset because it wasn't working and then realized he was punching in the numbers on the TV remote. Then he was trying to turn off the TV and realized he was holding his cell phone. He is laughing about it now but doesn't want to go through it again for sure. It was pretty funny when we went back to the house afterwards. We are all setting in the car looking around for bees not wanting to get out. It really was like the movie birds or one of those B movies.
Did they give Him antihistamines ?? They can do weird things to some people. Ryder got stung by a bee or wasp, His eyes swelled shut and his head looked like a basketball, The Vet gave him a shot of antihistamine and had us stop by a local store for an "over the counter" allergy med, amazing how fast he recovered.