: 837
« : May 20, 2007, 12:46:44 pm » |
District 37 Off-Road Committee Meeting for May 3, 2007
I Meeting called to order by Jerry Grabow, Vice-President
II Attendance and minutes taken by Sheri Kibbe, District 37 Secretary III Opening Comments A. None noted
IV New Business A. Radio Communication Protocol: Because of the great amount of chatter at past events, the Vikings MC decided to use a different frequency at this year?s event instead of the usual D37 Channel 1. They spoke to Rescue 3 about it but unfortunately didn?t give them the frequency channel until the day of the event. Rescue 3 did not have that channel programmed into their radio and was not capable of programming it into the radio at that time. The Vikings wanted to be able to communicate with their checks without all the other non-race communications on the radios. If a rider was in need, once the club affiliation was determined, Vikings MC switched from their frequency to channel 1 to let that particular club know of the situation. They monitored channel 1 throughout the day. There are three channels on the district radios. Channel 1 is for race communication. Channel 2 is for chatter between clubs. Channel 3 if for emergency use only. If clubs are going to use a different frequency other than the district frequencies, they need to talk with Rescue 3 well in advance of the event and use a frequency that Rescue 3 already has programmed. The District 1 channel is frequency 151.625. Glen Johnson from Rescue 3 has volunteered to create a radio protocol. Rescue 3 relies on the checks for communication as well as relay. Robert Thompson does 99% of all events as the relay/weather man and should be recognized for his role in the District. Glen suggests having the radios be tuned. They are not transmitting at the wattage they are supposed to be. Glen will get together with Al Guzman to work on that. Please keep all non-race chatter to a minimum including rider whereabouts. B. Work points for sound testing: At the last Competition Committee meeting, it was voted in that people who volunteer to conduct sound testing (up to three individuals), club or non-club members, can receive work points. Motion made to overturn the ruling. No second could be made so the rule will stand as is.
V Old Business A. Riders Helping Riders poker run raised just over $1200. We didn?t have much interest in clubs volunteering for the checks. Thank you Sled Riders, Shamrocks and Jackrabbits MC for helping out. We may do something different next year. Our next fund raiser is June 23rd. We are hosting a best ball golf tournament at the Indian Hills Golf Course in Riverside. Entry forms are in the newsletter or online. B. Sound testing grants: We need to get some more people certified that will be willing to conduct sound testing. We still have money available. Will talk with Chris Real to get a date scheduled for certification classes.
VI Reports A. Treasurer: Balance is $259,074.54 total liabilities and equity. Discussion about investing money. Roger VanMatre will look into this. B. Congress: Please submit rule changes to Dave Oakleaf or Bill Howell by August 1st. The AMA is reconstructing. Instead of 12 members on the board, there are currently 10. The other two may be appointed soon. Art will take some rulebooks with him so that certain things will not be changed within organizations that are already established. C. VP: none D. BLM: none E. Referee: UMC was approved to have a timed desert scrambles. Work points will be awarded to those who conduct sound testing. You are still only able to acquire two sets of work points throughout the season. The GP Lwt II class 0-200cc?s was changed to 86-200cc?s. Dirt Diggers are asked to attend this Thursday Competition Committee meeting for protests. Third reading of standing rule Section 11 ?3 weeks for 2 day events? to match section 12. Third reading section 2 standing rules add ?bomb run open on Saturday and no events are being held on Saturday?. Vote in favor 31 opposed 0. Please send Richie information on how much your club spends to host a race. There may be a necessity to raise the entry fees. F. BOD: none G. DLO: Dave is working on the tortoise program and the ravens. BLM didn?t get any OEM money except for Mendocino. Daphne Greene is working to have a grant program for next year. Cal Pal?s Beach Days is July 25/26 in Huntington Beach. Contact Sandy Howell to volunteer. May 19th in La Cracenta is the walk for cancer. Support Ed Waldheim in his walk. H. Eco Logic: There is lawsuits regarding irregularities of dispensing grant funds. Still working this out. Truck haven and Coyote Canyon will be going to court within the month. I. Rider Reps: none J. Rule Book: No report K. Web Master: No report L. Newsletter: No report. VII Race Reviews A. Hilltoppers GP ? good B. Rovers ? good C. Racers MC ? hellova party! D. Vikings ? HOT, awesome VIII Announcements A. To get results mailed to you from a GP, you will need to fill out the address label. B. Invite to the Golf Tournament June 23rd. You can buy golf balls from Bill Howell. C. Next month is Date Board. Have your charter forms and $50. D. VCMC has been moved from I-5 mx track to the main gate in the park. Look for signs. VIIII Minutes from previous month approved. Adjourned 9:30pm