: 837
« : May 20, 2007, 12:48:49 pm » |
District 37 Competition Committee Meeting for May 10, 2007
I Meeting called to order by Richie Wohlers, District Referee
II Attendance taken by Sheri Kibbe. Stewards present are Heather Gongora, Devon Rich, Ryan Wilson, Keith DeJongh, Doug Phelan and Dan Barnett. Guests present are Dirt Diggers MC, Prospectors MC and UMC. III The following Clubs/Riders have been requested to appear before the Competition Committee to discuss or provide input concerning the following:
1. Protest involving Ken Bunting, Kane Cook, Scott Egan and Kevin Dejongh and Dirt Diggers MC. Ken was DQ?ed because he was more than 50 feet off the bomb run. Ken states that he was never contacted and doesn?t know the real reason why he was DQ?ed. The bomb started off straight and took a right turn around a hill. The funnel was on the other side of the hill. The bomb was between 1 ½ to 2 miles long and about 100 to 300 feet wide. Ken stated that he was off the ribbon going through a whooped out trail. He couldn?t see in the dust and picked a line that was going in a direction he thought would keep him from being t-boned by another rider. He felt he had no advantage over the line he took as the course was rough and made you ride slow. The Dirt Diggers state that the bomb was clearly marked and available for practice Saturday and Sunday. We knew of a potential issue with the bomb and told everyone on the starting line that if they go to the left, they will be DQ?ed. Going to the left, up and over the hill gave you a straight shot to check 1. We had 5 spotters and wrote down numbers as they came through. Kane Cook and Scott Egan are also protesting the same issue. Per the Dirt Diggers, 10c should be reinstated as his number was crossed off the pie plate that the numbers were written on. For some reason, he was still listed as a DQ in the results. 777x is also going to be reinstated for the same reason. Vote for Ken Bunting- Club 1 Rider 5. Vote for Kevin Dejongh ? Club 0 Rider 5 (Keith Dejongh abstained from voting). All riders will be reinstated and revised results will be mailed. 2. Matt is protesting Dirt Diggers for missing a check. Dirt Diggers are going to reinstate him. They are not aware of his situation, but sounds like his fender card was torn at the finish line showing him as possibly missing a check. 3. Jim Townshend is protesting against the Prospectors regarding a scoring issue. Jim was scored as a DNF because he missed a check. Jim says a lot of other riders had the same problem. The finish line said they were working on it and would work it out, as if that check would be thrown out. The check was located after two boulders. There was a rider stuck in between the boulders so I went around to the left. I looked ahead and found the ribbon, which I later found out was from loop 1. Loop 1 and loop 2 merge together at some point so I didn?t know I was on the wrong course. Prospectors state that the ribbon from loop 1 was at least 100 yards away. Riders assumed the course went straight and when they go up over the rise, they saw loop 1. 74 riders that finished loop 3 did not miss any checks. 138 riders went through check 8. 22 riders missed check 8. Mileage markers say the loop and the mile marker. The referee could not have known how many missed the check until all riders completed the loop(s). Jim states that the referee was not available and he had to wait too long to be able to re-enter the course and pick up the check with loss of minutes. If the check had been thrown out, he would not have had to re-enter the course. Jim would like to be scored as the last two-loop rider so he will also be eligible for desert points. Vote- Club 5 Rider 1. The DNF stands. 4. Prospectors MC ? steward reports were late. They had a computer crash. They purchased a new program to resolve the issue so it won?t happen again. Proposed $1 per rider fine suspended until next year upon proper paper filing. 5. Fliers to be reviewed: a. UMC ? approved as is 6. Richie is looking for point standings. Stewards are waiting for revisions. Mid season points need to be in by July 31st. A new web program is coming. Discussed Racers MC live engine start and if it went along with the rule of dead engine start. Decided this rule is for mass engine starts, but wonder if it should apply to all starts. 7. Desert stewards, please send Richie the Club point standings. 8. Discussed issuing BOW numbers for scoring or some way singling them out. 9. In GP?s, numbers are being sold and no one is checking their D-37 card. There are multiple duplicate numbers racing. IV Meeting adjourned 10:15pm