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D37 March, 08 Off-Road/Comp Minutes
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: D37 March, 08 Off-Road/Comp Minutes ( 1691 )
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D37 March, 08 Off-Road/Comp Minutes
March 17, 2008, 03:00:50 pm »
District 37 Off-Road Committee
Meeting for March 6, 2008
I Meeting called to order by Jerry Grabow, President
A. Additions to Agenda
a. Supplement for Desert Racing Rules
b. Free Entries
c. Quads & Desert Scrambles
d. Desert Daisies
II Attendance and minutes taken by Jannean Sapp, District 37 Secretary
III Review and Approval of Minutes
A. Approved
IV. Old Business
A. Ecologic
a. Jerry Grabow gave an update to the off-road body in regards to the newly signed agreement with Ecologic.
b. We have a newly signed contract with the attorney and we are currently working with Ecologic again.
c. COVRA did not renew the contract with Ecologic so there is now a spot open with Ecologic.
d. Without COVRA it does limit the amount of time the attorney works
e. Even with the vacancy everyone, including D37 are paying the same amount per group in Ecologic for the attorney
f. Ecologic has agreed to focus their resources in assisting with the windmill issue out in Johnson Valley.
g. Jerry will have a month-end statement from the attorney?s office at the next off-road meeting
h. It was requested from Jerry Grabow that we refer to where we race as ?Johnson Valley? not as ?Lucerne Valley? so as to help the members of Ecologic and others better understand where we ride since no one in Ecologic races; only recreationally rides.
B. Proposed Energy Site in Johnson Valley OHV
a. Currently in ?Planning Stages?.
b. If approved, it would be a 30 year lease with BLM.
c. They are still in the testing stages for bats and tortoises.
d. Proposal involves the possibility of a road being put in but later removed after construction is completed.
e. FLP & BLM still are required to have public hearings about the proposed windmills prior to installation of them.
f. The proposed project is still two years away from actual installation.
g. A wind expert that has analyzed the data has determined that there were some false readings and because of this it?s a possibility that FLP may decide that it?s not financially feasible to install the windmills.
h. The reason for the proposed location is because they are trying to tie into an existing power grid at Anderson Dry Lake area.
i. They are proposing 34 windmills, 1087 ft apart.
j. We will be allowed to ride next to them once construction is completed.
k. Construction will take approx. six months to complete.
C. Third Reading of Rule
a. Dave Oakleaf withdrew his motion for a new rule addition concerning Competition Committee
b. A new motion was resubmitted by Dave Oakleaf, seconded by Danny Fitzgerald and approved unanimously that read as follows: ?Since matters of a financial nature or that leave a financial impact were transferred from the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors to the Off-road Division, I?m making a motion that the addition or elimination of a riding class or division that has financial impacts (especially to the clubs) that a final vote will be taken at the Off-road Division meeting. The rules and regulations of the classes and/or divisions shall be developed by the Competition Committee.?
c. This was the first reading of the newly revised rule.
VI New Business
A. Proposed Rule Modification
1. It was requested that a rule modification be made in the ?Youth B? class to reflect current manufacturer trends to include the 111cc bike due to the fact that 90cc motorcycles are no longer made anymore.
2. A ?straw vote? was taken and approval from everyone but one for the passing of the new rule modification.
B. Lobby Days
1. Lobby Days are: 04/07/08.
2. Talk to Jerry Grabow if you have any questions. Everyone is ?highly? encouraged to attend.
3. You can read more about ?Lobby Days? in the March D37 Newsletter.
C. Desert Daisies
1. Janine Khols requested of the Off-road body to have the ?Desert Daisies? be voted in as a new club in D37.
2. Jim Geddes made a motion, seconded by Donn Nay that the Daisies get voted in. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Banquet
1. Sheri Kibbie presented a motion, seconded by Jim Geddes that, ?Motion made to purchase acrylic 12? x 12? box fabricated by Plasticfab for banquet raffles. Box will cost $82.50 and will save the district money by not having to rent a raffle drum year after year.?
2. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Sheri also made the announcement that the 2009 awards banquet will be held on Sunday from about 11 am ? 6 pm.
E. Supplement for Desert Racing Rules
1. Jim Geddes made the announcement that he has spoken to the AMA in regards to the conflict in the Quads and mini cycle rules and they have finally accepted our rulebook as it stands.
2. Jim will also be presenting our rulebook to AMA congress to have it made a part of the AMA rulebook as a ?Desert Racing Supplement?.
F. Grant Opportunities
1. Jim Geddes presented to the Off-road committee that Yamaha website states that we as a group can request grant money from Yamaha.
2. He also mentioned that the opportunity to purchase land at a really good price at auctions. He and Dave Oakleaf attended an action where 160 acres sold for $46,000.00.
G. Free Entries
1. A brief discussion in reference to number one plate holders that switch classes and not getting free entries.
2. Determined as a misunderstanding and topic was dropped
H. Quad Starts
1. Ryan Wilson discussed with the Off-road body about the quad line start times.
2. Due to recent adoption of our rulebook, the discussion was dismissed. Everything will continue on as we have always done it.
I. KTM Bike Raffle
1. Bill Howell presented a motion, seconded by Jim Geddes that, ?Move that Sports Committee buy another KTM from Z racing for fundraising for Legal Defense. Approximate cost: $7,000.00. Drawing to be held at 2009 awards presentation. Limited to 600 tickets.?
2. Motion passed unanimously.
VII Reports
A. Congress: Bill Howell
a. Bill discussed and reminded us to check online and see what medical insurance AMA offers us as a part of our AMA benefits.
B. VP: Skip Earwood
a. No report
C. DLO: Dick Christensen
a. Dick discussed with us his recent visit to Washington DC.
b. Talked to some of the top military officials in DC to try and discover what their plans are for the expansion of the 29 Palms military base into Johnson Valley.
c. According to what he?s discovered, they will try and set-up a town hall meeting before anything is done but it looks like it will occur by the year 2015. He will let us know when that meeting is held
d. While in DC, he learned that all the letters that are sent to our congressmen are placed in the trash cans and he presented us with photos of the trash cans. He advised us that personal contact is the best way to get in contact with our congressmen.
e. A new bill that is moving through the state legislation system would make it illegal for anyone under the age of 16 to ride a quad. We will be discussing this with our legislators on lobby day.
D. Referee: Richie Wohlers
a. DMC requested presence at Competition Committee meeting in regard to ribbon pulling at United MC.
b. Table discussion about AMA minibike rule conflict
E. BOD: Jim Geddes
a. Jim Geddes announced that at the first meeting of the BOD, he was elected chair head for the BOD.
b. Out of all the divisions of the AMA D37, off-road was the only division that had their budget in on time.
c. Due to family illness, Jerry Bailey has requested a one year leave of absence.
F. BLM: Al Guzman
a. None given
G. Eco Logic: Jerry Grabow
a. Previously discussed.
H. Rider Reps: Ryan Sanders, Tim Wilson, John Gil
a. Ryan Saunders
i. None
b. Tim Wilson
i. None
c. John Gil
i. None
d. Mark Drake:
i. Mark has requested that we record the actual test data from the sound testing meter because he?s monitoring the numbers.
ii. A rider still can ride with a high reading.
iii. Once a rider hits 100 decibels, he has a spreadsheet that he puts them on so he can catch the repeat offenders.
I. Web Master: Jeff Owens
a. No report
J. Newsletter: Julie Angell
a. No Report
K. Treasurer Report: Sandy Howell
a. Total liabilities and equity: $229,297.52
VII Race Reviews
A. None given
VIII Announcements
A. Hilltoppers GP, April 5-6th, 2008
VIIII 50/50 Raffle
A. Al Guzman won the 50/50 raffle
Meeting adjourned 10:10 pm by Jerry Grabow
Kandy Thornton
: 837
Re: D37 March, 08 Off-Road/Comp Minutes
#1 :
March 17, 2008, 03:01:19 pm »
District 37 Competition Committee
Meeting for February 14, 2008
I. Meeting called to order by Richie Wohlers, District Referee
II. Attendance taken by Jannean Sapp. Stewards present are: Ryan Wilson, Keith DeJongh, Kelly Phelan, Doug Phelan and Dan Barnett.
Special Guests: Joel Lugonia, Don Neilson, Ryan Kudla, Horace Vega, Julie Angell, Will Lightheart, Bill Bateman, Louie Romo, Dale Shuttleworth, Brent Ferrell, Gary Cyer and Julie Angell
III. Discussions:
1. Fliers to be reviewed:
a. Shamrocks GP: correct preregistration date
b. VCMC: Fix the out-of-state information and correct the minor statement.
c. Prairie Dogs Night Race: Riders age, loop mileage, start type, and bomb practice information. Also get the entry fees approved at off-road.
2. United MC Protest
a. Both DMC and United MC were called in by Richie due to a course marking conflict during United MC?s Enduro.
b. Don Neilson (Third Loop Captain) and Joel Lugonia (Race Ref.) from United MC discussed from their point of view what happened on the third loop on race day.
i. According to them both, DMC came through a tore-out United MC?s ribbon and placed DMC ribbon in its place, causing racers to get lost.
ii. Once discovered half-way through the race, Don had to go back through tear down the DMC markings, and re-ribbon & mark the third loop through one section of the third loop.
c. Dale Shuttleworth, Brent Ferrell and Gary Cyer from DMC spoke on behalf of DMC.
i. They agree that there was an issue and they would like to work with United MC on resolving the issues. They will take care of what they need to internally to solve the issues.
ii. They suggested that if United MC sees their ribbon, to go ahead and tear it down.
iii. They put forth their best efforts to ensure the courses didn?t cross, even going so far as to place some ribbon out for United MC?s course.
d. Richie?s Soultion
i. DMC is to only ?spot? ribbon two weeks before their event.
ii. United MC to only ribbon the weekend before their event.
iii. A possible solution is for both clubs to share GPS coordinates prior to the events for the courses so as to verify that the courses don?t cross each other?s paths.
iv. It?s DMC?s responsibility to contact United MC if there are any possible conflicts.
v. DMC to use blue ribbon to mark their courses if there is a potential problem or use no ribbon at all.
3. Class Change in ?Youth Classes?
a. A change was requested for the ?Youth Class? to reflect current manufacturing trends to include the 112cc bikes in the ?Youth Class?.
b. A straw vote was taken and approved at the off-road meeting.
c. A vote was taken at the competition committee meeting, four for, and one against.
d. The change will take effect for round three of the GP series.
e. It was also requested and agreed upon that the minibikes that run in the mini/women/mag. race cannot race in the youth series at the GP?s.
4. Overall Desert Class
a. Ryan Kudla presented to the competition committee a proposal to have an overall numbering system added to the desert series just like the AMA does for the national riders
b. Riders could earn both an overall number and points in their respective classes.
c. Overall number earners would be allowed to run their overall number at events, possibly on a different colored background, just like they do at the nationals.
d. In conjunction with this discussion, Richie brought up his proposal to possibly make changes to the desert numbering system to match the GP numbering system.
5. Next Meeting:
a. At the next meeting Richie would like to continue the discussion in regards to the desert numbering system.
IV Meeting adjourned 10:20 pm
Kandy Thornton
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