The 4th Annual Riders Helping Riders Golf Tournament took place on Saturday, June 14, 2008 at the Indian Hills Golf Course in Riverside, CA. Sheri Kibbe, Sandy and Bill Howell were already at the sign up table with golfers in line patiently awaiting registration, Steve Stacy picked up the hole-in-one prize, errr bike from Malcolm Smith Motorsports and was proudly displaying the bike at registration for all to see. Goody bags were put together the night before by Jenn and Jon Thornton while Kandy Thornton worked feverishly in the kitchen to produce batch after batch of jell-o shots which the golfers have become accustom to at this event! Kandy handed out the goody bags to the golfers, and provided them with a refreshing refreshment of homemade Bloody Mary?s to kick off another successful year for the Riders Helping Riders Tournament! Indian Hills is kind enough to allow the *beverage cart* to be an offroad vehicle ? a Yamaha Rhino, they also allow the traditional offroad-like shenanigans take place on their course, THANK YOU INDIAN HILLS GOLF COURSE ? COURSE MARSHALL, PRO SHOP MANAGER, CART PERSONNEL, AND OF COURSE THE BAR TENDER!
Registration went smoothly and before you knew it, it was time for the putting contest. Alpinestars put up a gift certificate for a brand new pair of Alpinestar boots. A friend of the Dirt Diggers took 1st place in the putting contest, Rob Kyker (Rovers MC) took 2nd place, and a lady from Prairie Dogs MC took 3rd.
The golf course hadn?t anticipated the turn out that we give them year after year so there was a slight delay in getting carts, before you knew it the Viewfinders MC banner girls had the banner up AND dropped and they were off! Instead of banging bars, they were banging carts hoping their clubs were properly secured in the back.
In past tournaments, we were not able to give out random prizes in addition to the traditional goody bags but this year we were given a lot of support from the Offroad Community and were able to randomly hand out prize bags to unsuspecting golfers ? whether you were a first timer, well seasoned, urinating where you shouldn?t have been (shame on you), etc. we took note and rewarded you with a prize! Thank you Wide Open Desert, Baja Designs, Weapon MX, Dirt Alliance, KTM, Pole Position Raceway, Team Hawgg, Amsoil (thank you Dane), Rovers MC (free entries to their upcoming motocross), Racers MC (free entries to their upcoming motocross), and Indian Hills Golf Course gave away four total (2 pairs) of 2 free practice seasons!
The trophy presentation went really well, Sheri presented Jenn with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for her hardwork and dedication to the Riders Helping Riders Golf Tournament. Dirt Diggers took 1st and tied for 2nd with the team of Racinteach (D37 message board forum name) and 3rd to the Dirt Diggers team of Chris Ray and gang!
A special thank you is going out to the following companies for their contribution to the 2008 Riders Helping Riders Golf Tournament:
Alpinestars ? Putting Contest ? Gift Certificate for a brand new pair of boots
Malcolm Smith Motorsports ? Hole in One ? Brand new KTM Motorcycle
Dirt Alliance ? Provided items for the goody bags, and No Fear energy drinks
Viewfinders MC ? Provided additional items for the goody bags, and kept all players well hydrated throughout the day
Dirt Boy Designs ? Provided tire tread bracelets for the goody bags ? Which were a HIT! We were asked several times for an additional bracelet to bring to their kids at home!
Dunn Edwards Paint ? Provided pencil, pens, pads of paper, and carabineers for the goody bags
Special thank you to hole sponsors:
Invaders MC ? Sponsored the putting contest hole.
Prairie Dogs Motorcycle Club ? Thank you for your donation!
Joel Rode ? Thank you for your donation!
MSR ? hole in one challenge ? Thank you MSR and Steve Stacy!
Cody Girl Racing ? Thank you for your donation!
Carl Aastrom (Foothill Mortgage)/Chris Kallen (Farmer?s Insurance) ? Thank you for your donation!
AMA District 37 Big 6 Grand Prix Series ? Thank you for your donation!
Dirt Diggers Durt Burger Hole ? Thank you Dirt Diggers for coming back year after year and not only donating for the hole sponsorship but also for contributing with a large number of golfers!
Jerry Grabow ? Your continued support is appreciated.
Galbraith Van & Storage Co. Inc./Ben Geissel ? Thank you for your donation!
4 Aces Motorcycle Club ? Thank you for your donation!
Wide Open Desert ? ? Thank you for sponsoring a hole, sponsoring a team for the tournament, and of course your generous contributions for the prizes (tshirts, ASV lever, tool, graphics kits, etc.) given out during the duration of the tournament!
Blais Racing Services ? Thank you for your donation!
Lynch Electric ? Thank you for your donation!
Rovers Hot Dawg Hole ? You Rovers are great! Thank you for contributing once again and we enjoy your enthusiasm throughout the tournament? Perhaps it?s the jell-o shots that keep them smilin??
Baja Designs ? They even made a special appearance at the tournament and assisted in helping with the beverage cart and contributing items for the random prize give-a-ways!
Active Motosport ? ? Thank you for your donation!
So Cal Motorcycle Club ? Thank you for your donation!
Photos by Grumpy ? HUGE thank you going out to Grumpy for his continued support and of course for his exceptional eye behind the lens photography skills provided year after year for the event!
Last but not least, thank you to Riders Helping Riders very own John Thornton for organizing the tournament, arranging details with the golf course, organizing and running the event the day of year after year since the first golf tournament took place. Thank you to Sheri Kibbe, Sandy and Bill Howell and Jerry Grabow for their hard work during the event! Congratulations RHR for another successful year! See ya in 2009!