I just want to personally thank Norm and everyone that helped put our loop together for the fun ride. You guys that laid out the coarse did a great job. It was even a lot of fun on my quad, except the AA section of coarse. It was great to hang out with everyone and see a lot of the same faces as in the old days. Thank you to Jen for helping out with the raffle and thank you to JJ for stepping up and giving a good chunk of change to help a very needed good cause.
Lastly thanks to everyone that did whatever they did to make this a great event and for showing your support.
We all should be proud to be Viewfinders, the Viewfinders are more than just your average desert club. As with anytime you have a group of people, not everyone will agree on everything and people will come and go. But the one thing that always stands true is, the Viewfinders always step up and come together to show what a GREAT club we are. This is how it was back in the day and this is what I am seeing since a just started coming out again.
On a different note I would like to thank everyone for making me fill so welcomed back in the club, sorry I was gone for so long.
Okay I think I am all thank you'd out.

See ya soon,