I was a very nice day about 100 with a lite wind but not to bad. We had a small turn out myself, Darlene, Keith, Gumby, Julian and the Ron & Earl Shuler were there for Saturday. We had a few old members that left last year park with us. It was great to see them, they have interest in coming home Kelly, Darrel and Richard they are no longer with Racers. None of us did very well except for Kelly she OA the ladies class we all had a good time.
As for my ride, I rode the old 525 (the Mutt) and of course it did not start when the race started but I did win one guy his bike did not start at all. I was told I was about 15Th OA second in class at the first hill. By the end of the 1st loop I was second OA and first in class and the old bike had starting to make add sounds. By the end of the second loop it would not pull the main without making hammer sounds. So I ask myself a question (A) keep going and get sick in a hot canyon
OR (B) Darlene had cool beer in the rhino and not be stuck in a canyon. Beer it was the race was over and the beers were popping. Good times.
I must say it was great be back out talking to everyone and doing a little riding. Boy I'm out of shape!!!
We did not stay the night or come out on Sunday so I don't know how it went, I found the problem with the bike, the chain was too loose and jumping the sprockets. It had a bout 6 fingers of slack when it was cooled

(What a dum ass I can be). You would think I have never done this racing thing before.