: 837
« : February 18, 2011, 01:22:04 pm » |
D-37 Secretary 2011 Janine Kohls District 37 Competition Committee February 10, 2011
1) Meeting called to order by Ryan Wilson, District Referee.
2) Attendance and minutes taken by Janine Kohls, Secretary. Stewards present: Dan Barnett, Joe Bianchi, Stacy Doerksen, Craig Owen, Jannean Sapp. Stewards absent: Keith DeJongh, Greg Seda.
Guests: Kevin Shutt (Rovers); Ryan Kudla (VCMC); Ed Moore and Dave Wasden (Checkers).
3) Minutes of January 13, 2011 meeting reviewed and approved as presented.
4) VCMC. On behalf of VCMC, Ryan Kudla asked the Competition Committee for approval of the following proposals: a. Approval to exclude Quads and ATV?s from VCMC qualifier to be held at The Ranch on September 18, 2011. Ryan stated that the land owner/lessee of The Ranch property does not want any trails to be widened to accommodate quads. After a brief discussion the stewards voted and approved VCMC?s proposal. b. Approval to hold a 3 loop qualifier using a single 25 mile course with some variations for the second and third loops. The stewards asked questions concerning how VCMC planned to prevent riders on later minutes of loop 1 from being on the course at the same time as riders on early minutes of loop 2, etc. After discussion, the stewards voted in favor of VCMC?s proposed format. c. Approval to allow members of an Enduro club to ride a second event hosted by their club for Enduro points only, similar to members of clubs hosting National H&H races to ride their club?s event for national points only. Pending additional information this item was tabled until the March meeting. d. Ryan also noted that red numbered classes (normally 1 loop riders) will ride 2 loops at this event, all other classes will ride 3 loops.
5) Prairie Dogs ?Last Dog Standing? Event. No one from the Prairie Dogs was present to answer specific questions concerning race format. The stewards felt they needed more information about the race structure before creating a points structure. This item was tabled until the March meeting and a representative from Prairie Dogs is requested to attend that meeting.
6) Fliers reviewed: a. Rovers Desert Scrambles/Hare & Hound: - Add ?class determined by engine size.? - Replace AMA and D37 logos with current design and add D37 web address. b. RUTS Dual European Scrambles: - Committee recommends adding a reference to mandatory riders meeting.
7) Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.