As some of you may know we had a special meeting Monday that the President and Referee were required to attend. Since Jim lives so far away, and we don't promote on public land, Jim was excused and I substituted and Insurance Compliance Officer. Norm was there representing the club President and Bill McInnes as the other club rep.
The main focus of discussion was directed at the clubs that promote events on BLM land. It is imperative that they follow the Special Recreation Permit process which can be found on the District 37 message board We all should be somewhat familiar with these forms and requirements, even if we don't promote on BLM land.
We all as racers/users of BLM land must be stewards of the land and District 37. Understand that it's no longer O.K. to ride/drive with an open container, to be closer than 150' from an active race course unless it's 15 MPH. To know that the law is 15 MPH when within 150' of ANY CAMP. Also to notice if the hosting club is doing things correctly, we need to police ourselves.
If anyone has any questions please let me know. If I can't answer them either Jerry Grabow or Skip Earwood can.
Also in case you missed it race fees are increasing nest year to $51.00/race to cover cost recovery. This may or may not remain as we get a better handle on cost recovery with the BLM. Again if you want more info. let me know, too much to go into here.
Thank you for allowing me to be your representative for District 37 the past few years. I'll still be at the meetings and now with Bob on board we have 3 votes for our club.