Dave Springer
: 676
« : May 09, 2016, 06:22:59 am » |
So how was the Badgers race? Glad you asked. Due I imagine to the permit cost that has really impacted how D37 clubs do races the last 2 years or so, Badgers did a one day Dual Euro. Which at least left Sunday free for Mothers Day. Both courses were "fast and fun" as the saying goes, and lap times were fast. Camping was at Dirt Diggers camp, with A course start just north of camp, and B course at Searles Stations camping area by the railroad tracks. We had quite a few races on the day: Myself, Bryan Anderson, Darrel Moore, Nils Davis, Sage Vincent, Ashley LaCharite, Prospective Chad Rager, Prospective Lance Johnson, guest Kevin Daniels (friend of Nils). Had a few guys part company with their bikes during their race: Darrell, Nils, Lance come to mind, but no serious injuries. Some funny confusion on the radio when Darrell Moore R300 crashed on course A and Lance Johnson M200 crashed on course B at the same time. 2 Viewfinders with similar numbers on 2 courses....took a little discussion apparently to figure out it wasn't the same person. Bottom line is everyone rode it in and walked away more or less ok, although Darrell was pretty sore, and will be a hurtin' buckaroo today I suspect. Besides the racers we had Tim Alexander (friend of Lance), Don Rager, Brian McKinsey and family, Steve and Betty Vachon, Jason and Alec Schalow, and Sage Vincent's Parents camping out. All in all a great weekend. Please feel free to add more if you were out there with us, I'm sure I forgot something important, interesting or embarrassing.