Donn Nay
Global Moderator
: 3443
« : December 18, 2016, 03:52:34 pm » |
Hello Viewfinders!
First of all I would like to thank all of you for working so hard to put on another successful Grand Prix. Due to all your hard work and volunteer hours the club was able to give the racers a great event as well as add money to our bank account. This hard work needs to be recognized and rewarded and that is what we plan to do starting next year.
Your Executive Board has been discussing plans for the upcoming year. As your incoming president I am working to get more members involved as well as reward those that do. It’s time the club gives back to those that participate.
1. The Club store has been taken over by new member Lance Johnson and he has placed an order to restock shirts, hats, etc. so if you need club swag get in touch with Lance, he’s at most of the races.
2. We have new jerseys coming with a more modern design but still while keeping with our tradition, again Lance is the man to see.
3. We have some new vertical flags coming to show off the colors at events, similar to the flags you see around the GP, they will be in the pit box as well as available for purchase.
4. We have three new canopies on order to replace the old/damaged ones that weigh a freaking ton!
1. We are re-instituting club points, see attached. These points can be redeemed for club swag and will roll over from year to year, they won’t “expire”. We have not established redemption values yet but will soon.
2. We will have special awards at year end for the club high points racer, most active non-racer, and other special recognition to members who go above and beyond and represent The Club in a positive light.
1. We are working on getting as many racers as possible to run the number 222 this year to honor our fallen member, Travis Livingston and will be setting a memorial for Travis the weekend of the Dirt Diggers Scrambles.
2. There are three club non-race events on the calendar, two play days and a Kennedy Meadows weekend. Plus a first ever Christmas party that Pam and I will be hosting at our home in Burbank.
Attached is the 2017 calendar as well as the club points schedule. The 2017 District 37 race schedule is available on the District website (D37 calendar) so print it out, put it on your refrigerator and make plans to come out often.
Viewfinders MC 2017 Club Schedule Date Event Location February 11, 2017 District 37 Awards Long Beach February 18/19, 2017 Club Play Day Jenkins Land March 25, 2017 Travis Livingston Memorial Husky Memorial March 26, 2017 Dirt Diggers Desert Scrambles Dirt Digger Camp April 30, 2017 Club Meeting So Cal National July 23, 2017 Kennedy Meadows Bonita Meadows September 16, 2017 Club Meeting Lost Coyotes September 23/24, 2017 Work Weekend Ridgecrest September 30/October 1, 2017 Viewfinders GP Ridgecrest October 28/29, 2017 Club Play Day TBD December 2, 2017 Christmas Party Casa de Nay
Viewfinders M.C. 2017 Club Points
Officers & Referee = 100
Communications/Webmaster/Pit Boss/Club Store = 50
Reps: GP & District = 20 to start & 5 per meeting attended
Pit Captain = 5
Pit Crew = 2
Attend Race/Race Support = 1