well dwon in the valley its going to hot!

no way around it. but there is
browns town in bishop. it has lots of trees and is great as it is close to town and offers some hook ups. power and water, no sewer. or you can head up west sr 168 and there are lots of camp grounds around
bishop creek, lake sabrina, south lake. even a resort at
cardinal ladge or habeggers. i dont think its called habeggers anymore though. anyway the usfs has a web site to make resveravtions. if you stay in the valley at one of the county camp ground like
tinnimaha or taboose (both south of big pine, but both have a small creek). or
mill pond (north of bishop a few miles and right next to the open desert!) could be fun eitherway. mammoth area has lots of camp grounds like deadman creek campgound. i go in july usaully, little riding, lots of beer drinking and fishing, its hot and dusty. very little snow this year, so all the creeks will be low. but give me a call and we can set something up. also im planning a street ride (cruiser bike sofar) from bishop up 120 out of benton CA (45 miles north of bishop) to lee vining to reno nv. stay the night (friday) for the all you can eat sea food buffet friday night and then to virgina city and rout 361 end in lake tahoe on sat night, then back to the atlantis again. back home on sunday.